While my "Nature" from the previous post - a twig with oak leaves did not wilt, I decided to write another fantasy on the theme of autumn leaves. It turned out " little fairy oak leaves"
Пока моя "натура" из предыдущего поста - веточка с дубовыми листьями не завяла, я решила написать ещё одну фантазию на тему осенних листьев. Получилась "маленькая фея дубовых листьев"
Ink, pen, paper, couple of intermediate photos
Тушь, перо, бумага, пара промежуточных фото
Thank you for your attention!
Lovely work!
The contrast between the two styles is very interesting and different.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much for your interesting comment @serste! I'm trying different strokes, different pen possibilities. In my previous work, I blurred the mascara with water in shady places. And in this work I used a light, airy touch for the background. It turned out very different impression and mood:)
The lines are so neat! Good work :D
Thank you @hiddenblade! I'm glad you like my work!
Aaah your pen's lines are so fine and they build up so lovely ! I love the crosshatches in this one so much, @valentina.art <3 And the way the little fair sits on the leaf is very adorable :) Wonderful~
Thank you very much @veryspider, I really liked the pen and I love to fantasize