Was it a dream?
As a kid lots of my traveling through Adriatic sea was a huge hope I will see a dolphins play! My wish was never fulfilled. Until... A week ago I made a spontaneous and the most intuitive decision in a lifetime. I went sailing through Aegean sea, visiting my favorite place on Earth - Greece. This wouldn't be so spontaneous if I wasn't traveling with a group of people who I barely knew, with my money planned to touch the edge of enough. Call me crazy! I double the amount of craziness. Most of the memories I made on that trip will stay until my end day. But, there is one that inspired me the most, one that I would love to share with everyone!
I started screaming of excitement: "Look, LOOK!!!" I held him by his hand and saw two dolphins heading west. He hugged me! Their shine was appearing and disappearing into oblivious moment of pure happiness. Waking up just made me realized that it was a dream. In the morning I sat down on the edge of a sailing boat. My legs were touching the waves and my mind was whispering: "I just wanna see you, please! I just..." Lost in that buzzing thoughts, I turned to him and articulate my dream. He was sharing my smile.
Absent mind had a perfect day so far. Hanging out after a nice swim on this bay and preparing to rise our anchor to sail away, our conversion got broken by two repeated words: "Look! LOOK!!!" - the captain said to us in shock. We turned. Was it a déjà vu?! I was seeing the same scene as in my dream! Two dolphins heading west. I got shocked. He got shocked. He hugged me. The tears were sliding warm and sweet. My dream became a reality! "I wouldn't believe you if you haven't told me in the morning!" - he said sharing my thoughts. I wouldn't believe myself.
Inspired by that moment, as I came back home I painted it! I painted it for all of you who consider about listening your intuition: We all CAN truly feel the strings of life's miraculous play - if we just follow its way. Have an inspiring day!