oh ive done watercolours before, but more like... anime style, this is the first time i've sat down, watched the video and then try to emulate @shibasaki's lesson :D
hahahahah yeah, it's cuz i still donno how to create the 'snow' effect yet, apparently, knowing where to apply paint and where NOT to, is a skill that will needs cultivating :)
Thanks so much, Ally <3
Generally, the mark of a really good watercolourist is knowing how to leave the white of the paper showing through, as well as some of the paler shades, so that you can see the layering.
I think it comes with the confidence of really knowing your brushes, paints and paper as well as your subject matter, to be able to take a really dark colour and make it the background for your white and lighter shades.
Really scares me. BUT I'll have a go too as soon as I can. Will be great being on a watercolour journey with you. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
AAAAAAAH ALLY is joining me???? REALLY??? I would love someone to share the journey with, omg * ____ *
I thnk you are right, of course, confidence will come with time, after really knowing your tools and subject matters :)