my workstation is similar... very messy. not lovely like those other artists' ones that you mentioned... hahaha i am not proud of my workstation... . __ .;;;; i love that you drew yours though ! it really gives a little window to peek at you <3
also doggo <3 <3 <3
i loves 'em <3
Sometimes my dog gets upset that I'm working instead of playing with her, so she'll climb up onto my lap. She's not a small dog haha
omg i can relate so much... my dog also does this and then i have to draw whilst she's on my lap and it's super hard and then i get chaffed and im like PLS HALP ; __ ;
but they bring so much joy and warmth to our lives, dont they * ___ *
my doggo is also girl doggo :D she is ...2 years old !
Dogs are too good and I don't know what we humans did as a species to deserve them. What kind of dog do you have?? We adopted ours, so we don't know for sure but we think she's around 2 or 3.
she is a mittelspitz, and im at work so i dont have a handy photo on me, but she looks like this... but dark chocolate in colours:
She's like a huge pomeranian or a small german shepherd, i guess? XD Around 10 kilo of weight, and not as fluffy as the pomeranian, more like slightly long haired german shepherd :)
what kind is yours? our first doggo was adopted but he has passed away last year, he had a heart condition.... i hope yours is well and healthy <3
and yes, they are too good and so full with love... i thank them daily for sharing their beautiful souls with me * ___ *
Oh I've never seen that type of doggo before! So majestic. And sorry to hear that, it's so hard losing a dog :(
This is my bean puppy. We think she's a pit mix, she's the sweetest thing ever.

beani pupperino is so precious <3 omg <3 i love her * ___ * she has beauuuuuuutiful eyes and the colour is very similar to my doggo XD.... i will take piccar later at home and show you <3
pls send hugs to beanie puppo~