Ah! After 1 month of practice and following tutorials this is my unfinished work. This is purely made from scratch using blender.
Hope you guys like it. I am a beginner in 3d Art. So a long way to go. And I am going to add more as I progress.

Looks like Agent Cooper's cup of coffee and doughnut from 'Twin Peaks'!
You have a very special skill there ... MORE!!
In coming months may be. But stay tuned.
No worries. I used to do 3D art in Blender so I know how long they take to do :)
Thanks, of understanding. Look up I have added a new picture.
Loving the updated image even more! I could devour that doughnut right now!! WELL DONE MY FRIEND!!
When I look at your images my spirit feels purified and bouncy :))
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[An empty space of @mindhunter purification]