Hi Julia and @vachemorte,
Nice to meet fellow filmmakers on Steemit. It has been a while... :)
I had trouble falling asleep yesterday night and was thinking of this post and how to reply to it. The teaser - which looks great! - made me think of a mix between early Peter Jackson (Braindead, Bad Taste), Japanese cinema (one movie that came to mind was the hilarious superhero comdy Zebraman (2) by the extremely prolific Takashi Miike) and, don't ask me why, the crazy 80s cult movie The Stuff. Believe me this is meant as a compliment.
I also like the 'diary of an independent filmmaker idea'. I worked on something alike months ago, when I was still working on my Spanish feature. I wrote two posts for Steemit back then, that I called 'diary of a microbudget filmmaker'. Then my project got cancelled and the diary too. Now I'm back to diary format again and talking about film but that's another story. Enough about me, though...
I am looking forward to the filmmaking diary. Might be able to chip in myself one way or another. I am also very much looking forward to the web series itself and love how the two of you eventually decided to change the format around and chose this special kind of distribution method. Am curious how it's going to work out. I also agree with you that there are definitely other possibilities with steemit and the blockchain and this will be a nice kind of test ride.
Best of luck with all and let's definitely stay in touch :)
Umm I take the comparison to all those films as a huge compliment haha! As vachemorte said in his reply we are also massive cinema consumers and have tried to watch every darn movie under the sun and we have enjoyed all of these. Our inspirations definitely come from all over the place! I'd love to read you diary entries I will go back and take a look:)
I think we live in such an interesting time, we are not restricted by Hollywood anymore. We have control over release this is such a special and experimental moment and I am excited to see how it goes. I just followed you so hopefully I'll see more film content coming out from you as well!
Nice chatting with you in PAL as well, I'm sure I'll see you around again :)
I'm always up for talking film and filmmaking. There was a time, back in college, when I watched about 10 movies a week, sometimes more. Now I'm glad if I get to watch one, haha.
I definitely agree that we live in interesting times and instead of letting other people control you - something I can't stand, haha - turning it around and experimenting with self distribution, like you guys do - gives you total control in a way. I love the experiment!
I will see what I can do considering film content. Film making is on the backburner right now. But - as I've done in my last three posts - I will probably mix up all my writing on here with plenty of film talk and references. I just can't help it ;)
Have a great day and talk to you soon :)
I will let Julia answer to your comment but I will jump in to say that we are both fan of Takashi Miike for a long time. I had a copy of Bad taste on vhs back in the day (before lord of the ring first came out). Glad we meet fellow filmmaker and we hope you watch the series.
I love Brain Dead (especially the Rat Monkey or squirrel monkey!). Bad taste is a good second and let's not even start about Meet the Feebles. Pretty crazy that the same guy got to direct the LOTR series, don't you think? I'm looking forward to Julia's reply and will definitely check out your series.