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RE: New Painting! Maestro Max!

in #art5 years ago

That's a nasty story. Not something you wish people would go through, let alone yourself. As I'm often thinking in movies ( having studied film ), I was reminded of the Australian 1970s movie 'The Plumber'.

Suffice to say that I hope everything gets sorted out in the best way possible and that I found your art intriguing enough to click on the post and start reading.

Is Max by any chance based on a dog you know / your dog?

A hug from Portugal,



Thanks Vincent. Certainly not an experience to wish on other people. I haven't seen The Plumber, but we're film appreciators in my home, so I'll keep it in mind to look up. Life in general is slowly settling back to normal, whatever normal may be. Thank you for reading, and for the sympathy. :)

Max is a dog I did know. He was a friend's dog for something like 15 years. An old boy. Sadly, he passed away almost two years ago.

Hugs back at you from Canada!