Heya, I've been publishing art to Super Rare for a while now and I'm wondering why you would want to publish to both Super Rare and Known Origin?
Seeing as Known Origin takes 1/4 of the primary sale as commission while Super Rare takes only 3% on secondary sales (+ giving the original artist 10%), I thought the choice was a no-brainer. Is there some advantage to Known Origin that I am missing?
I will say my experience publishing art to the blockchain has been great so far. I think this is a really interesting way of giving artists new revenue paths!
It's a good question, they might have different customers looking at the art so it seems like a good idea to use both, maybe I will prefer one over the other but I may as well test them out :)
Hi, I'm represented by Known Origin and I'm with them because of the sense of community, most of all. That and I really relate to a blockchain gallery that was self funded by 3 friends with a vision and a pub table.
Drop by Telegram (https://t.me/knownorigin_io) to get a feeling of what I'm saying :)
(I am also a great fan of Super Rare and one day I might send them an application)