Outsider art gallery in chicago is one i frequent.
i like it because the main question outsider art causes me to ask is,
"why" why did they make it?
the results are interesting.
often times, outsider artists who are frequently mentally ill, or children, do not think
about who will be viewing their work,
or what their work means,
they dont need to worry about what they are trying
to communicate
This allows them to more freely
explore the insider of their mind
when making work.
It also brings attention to the craft of the work.
outsider artists are workers
who enjoy the craft that accompanies art.
Chicago is home to many
outsider artists.
outsider art is a theme of chicago.
chicago is outsider.
its midwest metropolis.
You dont go to chicago to become a famous anything.
theres nothing but a bunch of blue collar
skycraper-working midwesterners
That being said there is much room for exploration
there is room to pioneer
if your will is strong enough
"You don't go to Chicago to become a famous anything." ...I've never really thought about this before, but it's true. This is why this city is the best, isn't it.
Truly inspiring post.
Yes I consider myself an outsider artist at heart... outsider art begs the question of what art really is and is it not yet another powerful tool that was co-oped by the el-it’s and turned into a commodity so that people would not know that it is a medium of powerful spell casting...? People NEED to make art as a way to work out their questions outside of their own minds...and outside of the matrix...Art is a vehicle for that...too