(Part 2) Sang Maestro: The Life of Teungku Adnan PM TOH

in #art7 years ago


Teuku Adnan in playing his role in the theater saga said not the same with his teacher Mak Lapeh, if Mak Lapeh only use swords and pillows as property. While Adnan uses several properties such as toy guns, army helmets, women's clothing, dolls and other properties. In addition to performances in Aceh he also performances around Indonesia menyal drug selling. Every trip Adnan always ride the bus PMTOH, so in his theater he often mentions the bus and sound Klikson PMTOH. Based on that the community gave the name to Teuku Adnan PM TOH, so Adnan better known by the name of Adnan PM TOH and performances also named PM TOH.

In the monologue performances played by Fikri Afrija there is a happy story and there is also a sad story experienced by Teuku Adnan. One of the sad monologue scenes can tear everyone up. "Only one disappointment of Adnan, his intention to include this speech theater to the subjects of the schools has never been realized by the government of Aceh until now. December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami struck Aceh. The house, the treasures and the entire property of the show that has been preserved for 50 years is all gone. Teuku Adnan has also been thrown into rice fields as far as 200 meters "he said while accompanied by music and store all the property that has been played by Adnan.


Then the actor sat on the box, accompanied by Gayo flute music he told again "After that, he began to sick, the illness he suffered from high blood, sweet blood to the heart. Then he was taken to the hospital by his children, June 13, 2006 the Acehnese observer died at the age of 75 years interred next to his home in Triang Gading district Pidie Jaya. But only one disappointment he, his intention to enter the theater said to the subjects at school from elementary to high school has never been realized by the government until now. Kan government pantengon

The show is not entirely taken from the manuscript of the Maestro by Solomon Juned, but there are some changes and that's what creates an actor's creativity to be able to create new creations. This is the power of the actor in playing a monologue script, not necessarily in accordance with the original manuscript. However, creative new creations can attract the attention of the audience. In addition, Fikri Afrija as an actor not only plays a single character, he also plays the role of soldier, preachers, or being an ordinary storyteller, such as Well made Play (a character plays many characters).

Through theatrical performances of the Maestro theologian Sulaiman Juned has tried to offer a renewal to the theater said Dangderia Teungku Adnan PM TOH. Aceh traditional speech theater with a touch of modern theater creativity. Through the monologue of the Maestro the actor reiterates the messages contained in the manuscript with the latest innovations and creativity of the actors on a performance.




Sang legend. Kisah yg menarik. Terima kasih telah berbagi

Kisah seorang tokoh kesenian Aceh.

Bilingual , biar kami kami ini orang Aceh dan sekaligus Orang indonesia bisa mengertiSaran @wiansar ,

Saran. yang baca Artikel kita paling banyak 80% orang Indonesia selebihnya orang luar. oleh sebab itu saya yang tak pandai bahasa Inggris lebih leluasa membaca tulisan diatas dengan tulisan Indo, dan mengapresiasi dengan menghargai sebuah vote.

**Saran yaa.. Sukses selalu atas karya tulisannya, Sukses Seni aceh . **

Penikmat Tulisan Cutagus | Awi

terima kasih atas sarannya. awalnya rencana seperti itu Indonesia dan Inggris. Tapi tulisan ini sudah pernah dimuat di media media. takutnya kalau dimuat lagi akan didatangi oleh robot. makannya hanya bahasa Inggris. pada postingan selanjutnya yang belum dimuat di media lain akan di post dua bahasa.

Adnan pmtoh Dan toet adalah garda terakhir dari seniman tutur di Aceh. Pasca itu Kini Aceh kehilangan pewaris seninan tutur. Moga ke depan akan ada pewaris dr mereka berdua

Lanjutkan perjuanganmu. Semangat terus

Seniman tutur yang legend... Jadi teringat jaman dulu sering diajak bapak saya nonton tv siaran Tvri banda Aceh stiap jam stengah 6 sore karna ada PMtoh