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RE: An exhibition by a dear friend, Shahaf Ben Shaya, a Jewish artist who does modern Jewish art, invited me to be impressed by his exhibition, what do you say? Part1 (original works by Shahaf Ben Shaya)

in #art7 years ago

Motivation of the birth of artwork basically depart from human need. The need is both physically and spiritually, in it contains values that can encourage the birth of works of art. In addition, personal experiences and social realities either consciously or unconsciously can be the idea of creation. All these motivations are the human desire to communicate with each other through artwork. So in the process of creating the work of artists must have a concept, so that the art can communicate with the audience.
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Motivasi lahirnya karya seni pada dasarnya berangkat dari kebutuhan manusia. Kebutuhan itu baik secara jasmani maupun rohani, di dalamnya mengandung nilai yang dapat mendorong lahirnya karya seni. Selain itu, pengalaman pribadi dan realitas sosial baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar dapat menjadi ide penciptaan. Semua motivasi tersebut adalah keinginan manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya melalui karya seni. Maka dalam proses penciptaan karya seniman harus memiliki konsep, agar karya seni mampu berkomunikasi dengan penikmatnya.