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RE: Let's Have Some Fun! Meet Benny the Bee – An Illustrated Mascot by J-VO

in #art8 years ago

What a handsome fellow. And I have you to thank for getting me to google "Muscadine" and learn more than I ever knew about grapes!

One minor caveat. If this handsome creature is out gathering pollen and nectar, it's undoubtedly a lady. Male bees (drones) don't do any work, and only leave the hive when it's "business time" with the queen on her nuptial flight.

They probably do spend their extra time playing rock music, though. It's not like the drones have much else to do!


HAHA! Thank you for pointing that out! We really just went with the boy because others in the company liked the double "b" words - lol.. sigh. I'm sure you know how the corporate world can be at times :D Thank you for your comment and teaching ME something!

Lol! Thanks for taking my comment in the light-hearted manner in which it was intended! I spent a couple summers working with a professor studying honeybee dance communication, so I know a little more than the average bear about bees and honey!

Keep up the great work - your stuff is very fun!

Absolutely - Always room for improvement and room to learn new things :)
How interesting - honeybee dance communication - now I have something to google - HAH!

You-re awesome!