Geez - why would they tease you about not having a "specific style?" I get the idea of producing a recognizable body of work and building a brand, but why limit yourself to just one? Times and tastes change, and I think it's great that you can be so adaptable.
Thanks for sharing part of your process with me!
You're welcome - and when I say tease - it was in good fun - they really all liked my work and were all very supportive - but so many of the other illustration majors had very obvious styles that they stuck to - which as you said did make them very identifiable - but I have always wanted to be flexible - do anything - to serve whatever mood or aesthetic I wanted to serve at any given time - and I agree with you that I think this makes a more well rounded artist that can thrive in a vast economy! Thanks for the conversation Winston - I hope you have a great evening!
Thanks for reading and best of luck in all your projects - and styles!