My entry for this contest by @geekpowered
The contest:
Draw something from his story.
My pick
The sip that got stuck near a black hole
The entry
The road to the result (warning Long post, not enough text)
The sketch
Base coloring the sketch
Base shadows
Detailing the windows
Detailing the back part of the ship
Detailing the front part of the ship
More details....
Here come the sails
Sketching them in
Getting the color just right
Adding the detail
Can't have sails without cables
Here it is
Shamelessly stolen background
Let me and @geekpowered know what you think :)
And remember... vote, reply, resteem, re-beer
🐺 @wolv
You just got a vote from Sndbox-Alpha! For more information, click here
Thank you kindly! very much appreciated!
I just replied with a link on the post you linked. I hope it does not violate the rules as you upvoted this one :)
(technically I didn't post this link in there so I think it should be fine )
But with the time expiring on that one I thought it was worth a shot.
Keep it up the good work!
Hello Wolv! It's me, from the steemit chat! Hope you can check out my latest post and maybe donate if you can. It would seriously mean the world to me <3 thank you