Between the Realms
Story & Art by me. Romance/Fantasy webcomic series.
WARNING for Swearing. SUMMARY: Saedie thought she was having a really bad night, until a strange woman who calls herself Amirah whisks Saedie away to a parallel dimension. Saedie learns of an entirely new world, a place where humans don’t exist. This world is called Trea'h, a breathtaking realm of beauty and equally fatal among some of the inhabitants. Along the way, Saedie finds love, uncovers secrets long buried in blood, and what it truly means to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Already on the official website and Tapastic where I host the comic it's all the way up to Page 74. So, if you're gnawing at the bit to read more, you're more than welcome to read more of the comic on:
I apologize that some of the pages have cringey artwork. I started this comic back in 2015 so some pages are still going through improvement. Please bear with me! Thank you for reading!
Read more of the comic on:
Quelle magnifique œuvre d'art!
C'est vous qui l'avez fait? Si oui vous un vrai artistes ÊTES;)
Moi aussi je fais de l'art (illustration), sur mon blog de si sa t'intéresse;)
Ravie de vous connaître :)
Je espère qu'on sera ami :-D
Bonne journéeBonjour @wolven-sister
Hello! It's very nice to meet you :-)
Unfortunately, I'm not fluent in French so I used Google Translate, sorry for any errors!!
Thank you so much for your kind words and yes, I am the artist. Thank you very much!
I'd be more than happy to check out your artwork! :-D
salut! C'est très agréable de vous rencontrer :-)
Malheureusement, je ne parle pas couramment le français, donc j'ai utilisé Google Traduction, désolé pour toutes les erreurs !!
Merci beaucoup pour vos gentils mots et oui, je suis l'artiste. Merci beaucoup!
Je serais plus qu'heureux de vérifier vos illustrations! :-D