Hey Liz! Haven't checked in with you for a while. You know how busy traveling us travelers can get! But I see this post now. Paris looks awesome. One of my favorite things to do is just walk around new places, like you mention in this post. I've been wandering around Santiago Chile for a while now. It's a lot of fun, and like Paris there is a ton of great street art. I'll have some street art posts coming out in a while. Similar to this one. Wishing you the best and safe travels! -Dan
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Hey Dan! Nice to hear from you! Wow.. you did a long trip then. I love Santiago! The chilean people are just great! I used to live there for 6 month a few years ago! If you are into streetart dont miss out viña del mar and valparaíso! :) Enjoy the weather before it gets winter soon! Whats your next destination?
Im going to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize for the next month :)- Cool! Montevideo! Enjoy.