The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

solnedgang og pen natur 3 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Halos and Magros

In the country of Halos which side by side with Magros experienced a drought. For two years the drought has hit the country, the river is drying up, the lake is no longer filled with water. Almost all water sources dry out. There is only one water source that contains water. That's not every day. This water source never dries because the gods always take water here. The gods can come whenever they come water suddenly will fill this water source.
They already know why this drought is happening. According to the elders of the country this drought was due to the anger of the gods because the residents of Halos did not want to give them sacrifices. They make halos a country without water. However, the gods also said that they would only give one bucket of water to be used by the gods. people may use it but must guard it because this source of water is a source of magical water for the gods. if they destroy this water source it will cause the immortality of the god to disappear. They can die and cannot live forever.
This situation made a young man from Magros named Ali want to help the difficulties experienced. He immediately ascended to a high mountain. He took sulfur. In a lot . He collected the bell on the edge of the water source.
After that he shouted to call Poseidon the god of the sea, river and earthquake. He challenged the gods to fight to defend the people of Halos. his very loud voice was able to penetrate the sky and was heard by Poseidon. Then he went down to the young man. Gods who feel challenged are also provoked and challenged. When the battle the young man began to push and Poseidon was willing to use his weapon in the form of a trident stick.
The young man then took a lighter and threatened to burn sulfur at the water source. He knew that the water source was damaged so the gods would not be everlasting.
the young man began to burn the sulfur piles. Ali immediately grabbed sulfur and caused yellowish smoke. smoke rose to the sky until the sky was yellowish. At that time Poseidon realized that this young man was very intelligent. He knew that sulfur would damage water sources which would also kill gods. Finally Poseidon gave up and apologized. The downpour of rain and ending the drought in Halos and Magros.
Thank you @xpilar. i hope you accept my thought
warm regard from Indonesia

thanks for your great story @rokhani

I tried to interpret your artwork with a story that might cross my mind. I enjoy so much your artwork and it's a great! When I saw the yellow sky with the bottom side of the water then I imagined before it filled with water that it was a barren dry valley. then try to connect with the effort to turn the barren valley into a decent place to live. Change misery with beauty and happiness again.
yellow gold of the western horizon
become a destination and direction
where will the foot step toward dusk
remove dirt and dust

maintain the beauty of the soul that exists
so you can always
facing God
as servant to the Lord

a word in the evening
hoping to erase mourning
replace with shade of soul
towards a definite goal,


A Love at a Distance (Part II)

When at last the sailboat reached the dock Marta jumped up to embrace Daniel, despite being the first time they were face to face, they felt so confident.
They stared into each other's eyes and could not help but kiss each other.
It was a long kiss, repressed for so many months and for so much distance. A kiss full of passion and love.
They anchored the sailboat and held hands.
They sat on the dock, and Daniel asked Marta: Describe what you see? You like?
She is a bit embarrassed because writing a message is easier than talking, I look to the side and described what I saw

  • The sky was painted with colors and although this something dark I see everything full of a lot of color, the calm water brought to someone who waited with much desire, the water hits the stones leaving beautiful humidity marks, between the mountain and the grass there is Nightlife sounds that manifest their presence. And Yes, if I like what I see, and your Daniel, what do you see? You like what you see?

Daniel replied: Although the landscape is very large and beautiful, Although the big picture is definitely a work of art, my eyes only focus on a woman who by messages is very spontaneous and open, but in person is shy and sumise, just I can see you, your goddess body, your smooth hair playing with the wind, as your little feet play with the water as your hands betray your fear for my presence, leave everything for you and make no mistake, it is right here in this island where I want and must be, but if you do not want me here, I take my sailboat and I go, I take advantage of the sunset to leave behind the sun.

Marta turned, smiled and said: Daniel, your place is where I am.

thanks for your great story @jdbs

Hi @xpilar that is lovely sunny day at the beach, love those young juicy green and sparing plants of the coast. Very inviting evening you presented in your digital Art. May be like us, you are spending more time nowadays just walking at seaside. What I love most is the smell of salty water and seaweed. When I see your painting I immediately can smell it in my mind, does it make any sense?

Hi @stef1

thanks for your nice description

Yes, we love the seaside and especially at this time of year

Hi Snr. @xpilar

Once upon a time: my experienced being a nature admirer and its beauty. I love the wildlife. I grew up on a ‘bush block’ with a wildlife career neighbour. I remember seen monkey every morning jumped from tree to tree.

From breathtaking views to calming moments, from colourful flowers to squawking birds – there are so many great reasons to get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer. Nature is so awesome, vast diversity in different climates, places and spaces. It can be spectacular and leave me lost for words. The beauty of nature is beyond what mouth can say, it beyond human knowledge.

I usually went to oceans an hour drive home to admire natures. The fresh air and the calm vibes relax me as soon as I take a breath just some minutes in nature and I am happy I was like what a wonderful of nature that make me happy as if I never breath ever before. I’m fascinated by the inter-relatedness of everything, every species exists for a reason (the big charismatic ones) and without them all, the ecosystem suffers.

I love the incredible diversity, intricacy and interconnection we find in nature. It is endlessly fascinating and beautiful. I like living around the rain forest whenever I’m out of home we can hear the creek, calling fruit doves, fighting quolls at night and the odd dingo howl. Whenever I see one beautiful animal it’s unexpected and it fully captivates me. Owlet-night jars are really cute. I see them regularly on my bush block.

I find nature majestic and admire that they have the freedom of the skies over the vast distances of the outback.

I feel like sit on a warm day with my back up against a mature ocean and read a good book and enjoying my favourite beach and watch the waves come in while the sun warms me. I get lost in thoughts and detach from everyday stressed.

Whenever I saw the fisher men I’m happiest like to be floating in the ocean with them because being immersed in the ocean helps me to switch off from day to day pressures. During this warm of the day different animal species interact with each other or with their habitats; for instant fisher jump up , you whale are types of who always hungry for others success, a whale who care about minnows and little fingers list, so happy to have come across you @xpilar, your impact many lives here, thanks for the kindness and generosity,

There are so many things I love to do in nature and they all tend to revolve around bushwalking and camping.
In Conclusion: Nature is so beautiful in proven to improve one mood, focus, creativity and problem-solving. Interacting with nature rejuvenates the body and spirit.

Thank @xpilar for given us chance to write something up about your Digital art


Hi @davidad

Thank you for sharing your own story with us

You are welcome Snr. @xpilar well done Work...

Two days ago the detective team had made a careful plan about attacking an island. The island is inhabited by criminals and drug dealers, here they produce drugs and here they also make camps. They are very numerous, according to information from drones that have been sent there, their number is more than 200 people. They are all fully armed. Including those who produce the drug is also armed by this gang.

Aside from being a supplier of drugs, they also often rob banks. A few days ago they had just robbed a bank operating in an area far from the city. The bank reported losses of up to $ 1.5 million. Because of the time of the robbery, the bank had just received money from the central office to disburse employee salaries in the area.

On that morning, the detective team worked with other police officers to move to the island by sea. They consist of 4 teams with each team consisting of 10 people. They will land from the four corners of the island. Equipped with complete weapons, this detective team has landed on the shore of the sea. They are waiting for the command to carry out the attack.

While the criminals were still sleeping, only 4 people were still standing by to monitor and conduct patrols. The criminals have just finished celebrating because they managed to rob a bank.

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thanks for your story @anroja

You are most welcome sir

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Belladonna Island.

A dangerous island hides among the archipelago, thousands of people have been victims of its poisonous beauty and is that it inhabits a plant with flowers called Belladonna. The fruits of this plant are called berries and has a high level of toxicity due to the atropine composition it possesses, its flavor is sweet and is able to deceive visitors by its striking bright color.

This island was considered an island of death until one day a specialist in vegetation who was part of a congregation that enjoyed a cruise alerted about the presence and the danger that the Belladonna plant represented for its consumption since it is capable of provoking coma or death if it is administered directly, the captain listening to the observation of that character remembered some tragic moments that many passengers lived in previous trips.


La Isla de Belladona.

Una peligrosa isla se esconde entre el archipielago, miles de personas han sido victimas de su venenosa belleza y es que en ella habita una planta con flores llamada Belladona. Los frutos de esta planta son llamados bayas y tiene un alto nivel de toxicidad debido a la composición atropina que posee, su sabor es dulce y es capaz de engañar a los visitantes por su llamativo color brillante.

Esta isla fue considerada como isla de la muerte hasta que un día un especialista en vegetación quien era parte de una congregación que disfrutaba de un crucero alertó sobre la presencia y el peligro que representaba la planta Belladona para el su consumo ya que es capaz de provocar estados de coma o muerte si es administrada directamente, el capitan escuchando la observación de aquel personaje recordó algunos momentos trágicos que vivieron muchos pasajeros en viajes anteriores.

thanks for your story @jadnven

Beautiful picture @xpilar

In the golden sky the clouds are floating,
Dissolving in the sunset
The sea of fire spreads,
Fading away in silent silence.
This amazing moment is melting
Accelerated time running
And the burning disc of the sun reached
Sea line where the light ends.

thanks for the beautiful poem @serkagan

Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. today you are displaying very beautiful digital images. and this picture is very good to describe. this picture shows that the sky, rocks, and plants, are the source of the beauty of the world. stones are often considered unable to show beauty. people do not realize that stone also has beauty. like gemstones made for rings, stones also for the exterior application of the building to be beautiful. the river also looks beautiful when there are many rocks. and lots of beauty and benefits of stone.

sky is also the source of beauty from the world. the sky has a different color when at different times. like the night sky has a black color, the moon and the number of stars. like a day with a very bright sun, the sky is blue, and there are rainbows that have different colors.

also with plants. plants can show beauty with flowers. other than that even though trees cannot show their beauty, but trees have many benefits. trees can provide fruit for humans to eat. trees can also be used as wood, which will be used as chairs, dining tables and other furniture.

This is just my description of the digital image you are displaying.

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thanks for your nice description @aulia1993

The Twilight (poem)

I am in the twilight of my life, I remember with subtle nostalgia my years of clear day, my summer days

My memories are a beautiful lake that refreshes my soul, my body is already old and tired for so many years.

Every day when the sun goes down it is inevitable to compare myself with the day that is going away, because my life walks on the decline

I already feel the cold of death that persecutes me constantly and I only take refuge in my thoughts and memories of that summer I lived.

thanks for the beautiful poem @anasuleidy

A memory brings to mind, it was during my childhood when I used to run along the shore of the beach while my mother shouted at me - "son, watch out for the stones", my soccer ball easily dominated it and kicked it into the water so that the tide would return it "by then I was so young that I didn't know why it happened", some that other shells of snail were the ones that bothered in my feet while I played, sometimes I took a shell to the ear, supposedly it is said that when doing it you could hear the songs of sirens but "No", I never got to hear anything. And so, it was the moment that remembered for an instant my mind, I hope to return to enjoy a bullfight on the shore of the beach again now as an adult.


Un recuerdo trae mi mente, era en tiempos de mi niñez cuando solía correr por la orilla de la playa mientras mi madre me gritaba -"hijo, cuidado con las piedras", mi balon de futbol lo dominaba facilmente y lo pateaba hacia el agua para que la marea lo devolviera "para ese entonces era tan niño que no sabía porque sucedía", algunas que otras conchas de caracol eran las que molestaban en mis pies mientras jugaba, a veces me llevaba una concha al oido, supuestamente se dice que al hacerlo se podían escuchar los cantos de sirenas pero "No", nunca llegué a escuchar nada. Y así pues, fue el momento que rememoró por un instante mi mente, espero volver a disfrutar de una corrida en la orilla de la playa nuevamente ahora siendo un adulto.

thanks for your story @adeljose

This is the work of a photographer
Its theme is golden photography
The sky and water it shoots are golden
Even the grass has a yellowish color.


thank you so much @cloudblade

@mukhtarilyas, hi @xpilar. Beautiful lake and rocky little island there. I say perfect art. Lake water has high minerals because there are many small river paths that lead to the lake. Lake water is better for health than well water. thank you

thank you @mukhtarilyas

amazing ... like the end of an island with a combination of dusk that will arrive

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I like his digital art a lot when he includes nature, he shows that he contemplates with dedication every detail of what surrounds him. Successful sir!

thank you so much @solangeh

I would love to hang this painting, I nest so many beautiful sensations, I imagine fish and birds, the wind blowing strong. Very good art!

thank you @teresah

Shaping the reality with perfection damn so good one !

thank you so much @blazing

the beautiful scenery is great for this extraordinary view sir @xpilar

thank you @donclo

I like his digital art, he has great imagination ... Congratulations @xpilar!

thank you @elider11

hi this very nice and beautiful digital master has interesting art I like with this art

thank you @muntaharaceh

Un excelente paisaje, así se deja ver las mañanas desde el majestuoso Lago de Maracaibo en Venezuela, un cielo ardiente mostrando la llegada del podesoro sol.

Nice to hear, thanks @adrimonte

Well done that photo, the warm colors and shading, delicate work of art. Pretty.

thank you @michelduartes

Amazing this really look like

thank you @adenijiadeshina

I feel like a live in a new world just to enjoy my self alone

thank you @ubay0077

The moment of sunset that can not be seen now, only by your art we can find. Super hit Art

thank you @anil566

The atmosphere of the yellowing sky with a view on the beautiful seafront.

thank you @elianaelisma

I see like being on the coast, your imagination is amazing

thank you @ustazkarim

Hello @xpilar, shining like gold, this is how you see the sky in a warm dawn because the star king was at its maximum splendor all day.

thank you @leca

it's very amazing and very nice digital-art my dear friend @xpilar

thank you @momoriso

Awesome golden hours great digital express,,😀

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thank you @csharma

Wow, this is a really good picture, sir. this digital image looks like real. I like scenery like this digital image

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This one is so nice

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Well done friend every detail speaks for itself, beautiful details of sunset.

thank you @miyexi

Congratulations @xpilar!
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thank you @arcange

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thank you @marjana-jannat

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thank you @lacl