The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 15)

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

Be creative, Make a good story out of my digital picture

You join easily,
you post your story with my picture on your blog.
yes your blog
and you also post the story in the comment box here on my blog
and with a link to your post

Those who choose to write a story and publish it on their own
blog page gets rewarded by me with an upvote for it

snø fjell og naturt 1 A.jpg

See the picture better CLIK HERE, view full size

I am grateful for a comment about my Digital art

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
Be creative when creating the story


The Vulture Curse

A small town was inhabited by Mapuche Indians until one day a foreign military invasion came to take over the Earth. Calypso, this is how the land of the Mapuches was known and in which you could see an excellent landscape of mountains overlooking the sea, the Mapuches fought to defend their land and the chief of the tribe who was called "Vulture". The invaders wanted the land to use as a tourist center and therefore had to invade and kill all the natives of Calypso.

the Vulture, seeing the massacre of his tribe and the danger he ran, took the decision to leave a curse on the Mapuche territory so that the invaders could not achieve their objectives, however, this did not prevent the military will manage to end his life, being the last Mapuche who falls in battle. After the battle, the foreigners came to Calypso to admire its landscapes, however all the beauty disappeared in an instant, a gray mist with pestilent odor surrounds the mountains saddening the flora and darkening the snow, all that made that the visitors will leave the place immediately. this event is associated to the spell that made that chief of the Mapuches before being shot.


La Maldición del Buitre

Un pequeño poblado era habitado por indigenas Mapuches hasta que un dia una invasión militar extranjera llega al lugar para apoderarse de la Tierra. Calipso, así era conocida la tierra de los Mapuches y en la cual se podía ver un excelente paisaje de montañas con vista al mar, los Mapuches se enfrentaron para defender sus tierras y al jefe de la tribu a quien le llamaban "Buitre". Los invasores querían las tierras para usarlas como centro turistico y por ello tuvieron que invadir y asesinar a todos los nativos de Calipso.

el Buitre, al ver la masacre de su tribú y el peligro que el corría, tomó la decisión de dejar una maldición sobre el territorio Mapuche para que los invasores no pudesen lograr sus objetivos, sin embargo, esto no evitó que los militares lograrán acabar con su vida, siendo el último Mapuche que cae en la batalla. Despues de la batalla, los extranjeros llegaron a Calipso para admirar sus paisajes, sin embargo toda la belleza desapareció en un instante, una neblina gris con olor pestilente rodea a las montañas entristeciendo a la flora y oscureciendo a la nieve, todo eso hizo que los visitantes dejarán inmediatamente el lugar. este suceso lo asocian al conjuro que hizo aquel jefe de los mapuches ante de ser fusilado.

Hi @adeljose
thanks for the great story of my digital photo

En un lugar distante, en una sierra al sur de Alaska, unos esquimales decidieron establecerse temporalmente en otro lugar mas alto; para contrarrestar el frío dedicaron cinco horas de un día para construir un iglú, trabajaron con mancomunado afán, hasta que quedó perfectamente terminado, valió la pena el esfuerzo, ya que a la hora de descanso se resguardaron en el de las tan bajas temperaturas externas, y al día siguiente salieron a recrearse en unos trineos en tan espectacular ambiente. Se dieron la gran vida, a la vez que cazaron unas focas para el bastimento.

Hi @brismar

thanks for great description of my digital image

Black rock nearly sea beach wow!!!

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A visit to the gallery, which changed my life.

Daniel was madly in love with Natasha, a very pretty and shy girl who studied at the same institute as him.
He saw her, sighed for her, wanted to approach her and offer her love, her friendship, but Natasha is so quiet, so calm, she didn't want to bother her, she didn't want him to think he was making fun of her.
One day I had a job in pairs and for Daniel's luck, his co-worker was Natasha. Although I didn't know where I lived, or where I could meet for work.
Natasha who was a very conservative girl did not want to receive Daniel in her house, so what is near her house in an art gallery.
Daniel was happy for verse with Natasha outside the institute even if it was to do a job.
Upon arriving at the art gallery, he was curious to enter there.
Natasha who had time watching him, realized that Daniel wanted to enter and she being a passionate artist invited him to enter, Daniel could not tell him that she was not that woman he loves so much, and Together they entered the gallery.
Daniel was impressed by such beauty, before such artistic talent did not know what to say.
Natasha, seeing how much passion Daniel had, invited him to see a very important piece for her, took her hand, walked and stopped him before a painting


His name was "My cold, empty and lonely life" asked him what he thought of the title and the painting... Daniel was very sincere, said that the talent of the artist was impressive that it was a simple, but very small, very harmonious picture, his colors were perfect, but he didn't like that title because a natural beauty a divine creation is never alone ... Natasha appears her hand that she had covering the artist's name and created Daniel.
Daniel read and the creative artist was Natasha.
There they talked a lot and he promised that if she wanted to, she would not be alone again and would see all her works of art, in that gallery or in any other corner of the world.
Since that day, Natasha and Daniel are very close and good friends, although Daniel has not yet fallen in love with Natasha at least now they are closer and closer together.
Love is near Natasha and Daniel know it.

Hi @jdbs

thanks for the great story of my digital photo

This picture inspire me to post about climbing of Mount Blanc. I has posted part 1.
Mount Blanc Climbing (part 1)
i will write part 2 as soon as possible.
@xpilar, your post always make me challenged to create a story.

Hi @rokhani

thanks for the great story "part 1" of my digital photo

Climbing Andean mountains early in the morning

thanks for the description @secondmedicalop

Beautiful Snow Mountain

Posted using Partiko Android

Our tomorrow's climb to the top

These mountains are famous with their impregnability and irresistibility.
Mountain routes for climbers are extremely uncomfortable and dangerous...

But our group has been preparing for a very long time to conquer one of the peaks.
We has been training for many months.
We have good equipment and a friendly team.

We begin our ascent early tomorrow morning, at dawn, when the sky shimmers with bizarre dark blue and blue colors, and the snow on the slopes of the mountains seems purple-grey.

I am sure that we will conquer the mountain and return home alive, unharmed and happy!

Hi @ir3k

thanks for the great story of my digital photo

Very nice work, these motañas if they are cold and dark.


Nice blue and dark sky colour combination and also ferfect work..

Posted using Partiko Android


Very good Nice blue and dark sky colour

Posted using Partiko Android

Beautiful picture of a rock mountain under a dark sky

Arid mountains at night.

Hi @elia34928

thanks for great description