No, I haven't ever had the privilege to see Gordon Lightfoot live 😔 but many popular bands and artists keep traveling to India for their performance.
In fact, a small place called Rishikesh on the banks of river Ganges is still famous for Beatles visiting there some 50 years back. Bryan Adams, Metallica, Deep Purple and many others have performed in India in multiple cities. However, I never got any opportunity to see any of them live ☹️. Once I tried to go for Bryan Adams concert but it was a struggle to secure its ticket and I couldn't. However none of them are popular with most people here but due to the large population even a small percentage of fans constitute a big number. 🙂
Fortunately, my city is a tourist destination and several international tourists flock here. So sometimes in their company, I get the opportunity to enjoy music of all kinds. 😊