
@yaan, easier said than done, I was so grumpy yesterday and tired. However, I want to be able to sit down and work no matter how I feel or what mood I'm in, this part of my artistic discipline is a work in progress, thank you🦋

Well.. i'm not sure if it will help but.. when i feel that it's enough and my body is so tired like i'm going to die right away..
If there no urgent project to do...

I put on my headphones with good relaxing music and just sit and meditate for 15-45 minutes and just breathe.
It clears your mind, relaxes the body.

And i don't know why, but after that i feel a lot better. Like body regenerated some of the lost energy.
That's strange, but it works.

I'm getting old, walking 4 miles a day helps. I meditate and use breath as the meditation object, however the meditation for me is used as a vehicle to become enlightened. So sometimes meditation is uncomfortable as sankharas come up and pass away.

So now I'm getting old and tired, I work with what I have and do my best. Thank you for engaging with me in a very nice thoughtful way @yaan.

Yathapi vata akase, vayanti vividha puthu;
puratthima pacchima capi, uttara atha dakkhina.
Saraja araja capi, sita unha ca ekada;
adhimatta paritta ca, puthu vayanti maluta.
Tathevimasmim kayasmim, samuppajjanti vedana;
sukhadukkhasamuppatti, adukkhamasukha ca ya.
Yato ca bhikkhu atapi, sampajannam na rincati;
tato so vedana sabba, parijanati pandito.
So vedana parinnaya, ditthe dhamme anasavo;
kayassa bheda dhammattho, sankhyam nopeti vedagu'ti.6

Through the sky blow many different winds, from east and west, from north and south, dust-laden and dustless, cold as well as hot, fierce gales and gentle breezes-many winds blow. In the same way, in this body, sensations arise, pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral. When a bhikkhu, practising ardently, does not neglect his faculty of thorough understanding, then such a wise person fully comprehends all sensations. And having fully comprehended them, within this very life he becomes freed from all impurities. At his life's end, such a person, being established in Dhamma and understanding sensations perfectly, attains the indescribable stage.

But what is the meaning of "old".
Only matters what you feel inside and how you move forward with your life.
You only live once why care about unnecessary stuff like that haha?)
Just live how you want to live.
And life will become a pleasure instead of everyday struggle.

Or maybe i'm talking nonsence. I don't know.
But i'm sure that there is a way to live in a balance with yourself and surrounding world.

The mind does not age but the brain does...and the body ages and dies. One can find balance, but that does not erase, aging, illness, and death....upekkha is equanimity but it does not negate the laws of nature.
Im unraveling...this world is made of extremes, its samsara.
Define old: my telomeres are getting short😂

A telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences at each end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Its name is derived from the Greek nouns telos (τέλος) "end" and merοs (μέρος, root: μερ-) "p

Aging, illness, death - it's paradoxical as it is a severe topic and it's trivial at the same time.

Aging.. You'r young!) And very attractive woman by the way.. You know? And will be for a long time.
Illness - Well, there is a choice to fight or surrender.
Death oh well. For some people who struggled with a lot of pain in their life it's just away to finally find rest.

Okey i just understood that im crazy. I'm sorry)

I understand you perfectly, but my Buddhist training has taught me to face the facts with equanimity. We all will face birth, illness, aging, and death, how we handle this type of suffering will either free us from the rounds of rebirth or keep us in the cycle of samsara. I like to face reality square-on, how I react will be my choice, I will chose to not blindly react to things I like or dislike! It's a fact, I'm getting old and it hurts...getting old is not for the faint of heart.

I'm middle age, closing in on 60 years old, my looks are not as important to me as my health. At this age it's all about staying healthy, I want to surf samsara for another 40 years😉😁