here's something I just scribbled up:
yes you can travel in the futur and the past
the futur is located where the big bang has fired us
the past is located where the big bang space
E=mc2? well then
c is speed aka m/sec
m is the mass of the entire universe as a matrix of all quanta in the universe
E=is the energy it took to accelerate all particles to the point where they are at in the present ....location in space...(x,dx,ddx)
E=is the total energy of the big bang...(position m,speed m/s,acceleration m/ss)
wait a sec ..arent galaxies accelerating as they pull apart from each other more and more
so then is there new energy that appeared from no where after the big bang
is the acceleration fueled by a constant and permanent convertion of matter into space (infra red galactic leakage photonic space current tunne?lin?)
are black holes particles
not matter particle (not fermions)
not fermion particles
they can attract light
there is a black hole particle in every sun's center...high sun masses only trigger the state (like beta positive radiation but instead of emitting an anti e to capture e it emits an anti star to capture a star....does it one day then encounter those star nurseries we see?hydrogen could be attracted by blackParticles...DarkParticles...DarkMAtter(BRANCH ;IF return false then return here;) electro magnetically AND/OR gravitationally.
sorry i just hit a fork in the road here caused by a new possible possibility...
made of fabric of space? (would explain dark matter we think exists..being infinite impedance of either e or u...u is light travel and e is matter caused by filling up a single space quanta with energy quantas(which is electric field establishment)