Old Sketches # 1

in #art6 years ago (edited)

I visited a former flatmate of mine to find that I left quite a lot of drawings and to my surprise also my beloved stereo in his cellar. For some years. I thought the good thing had been stolen. Now I am playing all m old LPs and I share some of the drawings with you. Here is the first one:


Well this one is rather a mad doodle on a scrap of paper but somehow seeing it after all this time brought up some memories.


I remember drawing this one about 4 years ago while sitting in university...


I hope you enjoyed these pieces of my memory. I will share some more with you these days.

Lots of Light and Love <3


Super nice artwork.
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Vielen Dank :) Freut mich, dass dir die Sketche gefallen :)

I regret not painting in childhood. I have no such work. But still, I'm learning to draw! ;)

Cool, actually evnthough they might look like childhood drawings they are not that old :D Go for it :) Drawing is a lot of fun :)

Looks like your former flatmate loves art works as well that why he/she kept it safe there. So people might have discarded it or leave it to get damaged.

Nice to see you back and sharing your pieces of works.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. I think he did not look at them since they stayed in the cellar but I am glad he did not throw them to the trash.

Awesome @yoganarchista. That is a clear resteem :-)

Thank you @lichtblick <3

Wow! They are very expressive!!!! :-)))

Thank you :) I am not shure what they express though. Propably a lot of confusion.

I might do that one day. There are a lot of old pieces I just rediscovered. Some might show me new sides when painted, others I might transform with photoshop. Best wishes :)