@raj808 I am completely moved by your deep writing, story telling, courage and photography. I was actually feeling very depressed myself today and was surprised by your post's content mirroring my own feelings today.
When I'm drained of the will to create and inspired only to emptiness. It’s at these times, that I need an outward reflection of someone else’s muse, a coloured canvas to help populate my thoughts and find wonder in the dying light.
Such profound writing @raj808. I wish I could upvote you a thousand times for such a thoughtful and honest post.
I didn't have a great childhood either - some days can be rough. I used poetry to move through a lot of those feelings and I like how you described it as 'cathartic poetry' :) Your poem was quite beautiful though, not cathartic at all....deep and genuine.
Maybe being such a deep and sensitive/creative person predisposes someone to depression. We feel, therefore we are ;) I think a lot of very creative people suffer from this. I think a lot of creative people are empaths, too.
Hi @youhavewings. Thanks so much for your comment and meaningful response to my article and poem. It is hugely satisfying when I know I have really made a connection with someones experience through my writing. You are right in what you say I think, creatives tend to be prone to depression and I think again you have hit the proverbial 'nail on the head' in that part of this is because to be a good creative writer you need to have a certain level of empathetic temperament. I honestly feel that my underlying depressive tendencies are bolstered by feeling other peoples' pain too much. Both in observing the cruelties that our species visit on each other and on a more personal level in feeling for my friends. It's a curse and a blessing as I write fiction as well, and this emotional intelligence is a great resource for building realistic characters. However, it's all worth nothing when you're crippled by brain-fog that comes with depression.
I'm on an upturn at the moment and have started my routine of exercise and yoga which helps me kick the depression out of my head and the creative outlet that steemit provides is also a big drive to thrive 😉
I know what you mean and I have loads of poems, angry, sad and mad as hell which will never see the light of day lol. These are cathartic poems in that they are kind of like exorcising demons of emotion, working through the emotions when they are out of control. This is why I tend not to let anyone see them. To be honest the poem in this article was reasonably measured although sad in its tone etc. I edited it a bit and was hopeful and reasonably sure that it had artistry beyond the emotional aspects. Thanks again for checking out my article I am glad you enjoyed it. I have followed you and will check out some of your poetry 🙂
Yes, I feel others' pain, too. Very much so. I can also feel their joy. :) If you want to read one of my poems, "Girl in the Box" is about this very topic ;) It was a living poem written as I opened that box of cathartic poems and writings. It doesn't flow as smoothly as I'd like, but I didn't have the heart to edit it because it came so organically. The ironic thing is that the Steemit community gave that Girl in the Box her wings and I had named my acct 'you have wings'. It was pretty special how that happened :) Here's the link if you want to read it: https://steemit.com/poetry/@youhavewings/girl-in-a-box-a-living-poem
I look forward to reading more of your posts and am grateful to connect with such a talented human being ;)
Have a wonderful day, @raj808....enjoy your yoga and inspiration.
I checked out your poem @youhavewings and found it to be a really wonderful piece of poetry. I left you a gift in the comments section :-)
Very special gift, @raj808. Very, very special. Thank you.