First we were stars, then we arrived as ancient meteorites, they brought water and amino acids to earth... different proteins are different amino acids sequences... or beats/melodies... aminoacid music, the 3.5 billion year question is... how did amino acids come to form DNA to then manufacture protein? the chemical origins theorists cannot grasp how the 100s of ingredients to form DNA could have unified to produce self replication in such a large primordial ocean, so intelligent design theorists propose the organizing principle we call God... God is not a thing, its a process we participate in. I witnessed the Holy Trinity anoint my 3rd eye. Light Beings landed in the ocean, the rest we can see for ourselves. We may never know exactly how life started, so cells and their processes are irrefutable evidence of Divine Design and a Divine Artist! Is blockchain cryptoDNA? Well until crypto-curriences computer processing stops destroying the planet in terms of massive energy consumption of servers, crypto-currencies is part of the problem! Clean energy crypto-currencies NOWText and Mandala by Daniel Alzamora Dickin
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