
i know, the steemiverse has become a dark, cold, machine-ruled vacuum while i have been away in the FIATrix! Only a deeply imbedded clan of Steemy Survivors still hold the torch high....we wait, in fear, for the CHOSEN ONE to arrive!!!!

Yesssssssssss true!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hooolliii Basil ! I am inspired with that AHOOO AHOOO!!! motivation activated pli pli pli

wait....just waiting

I have endured the battle of faith
the synthetic programmed bots are sucking my humanity used by my person in a tiny and aggravating cycle like mirrors rolling in formulas.

Oh brother, I fell but I look up at the sky waiting for the radiance of the chosen one.

Sin título-2.jpg

"like mirrors rolling in formulas". Now I am inspired!