Hello, dear friends:) My entre is:
Earlier, when she was a very small girl, the whole world seemed to her a continuous fairy tale with miracles, heroes and majestic palaces. Very soon, the butterfly's wings would have to grow in her own way so that she could circumnavigate with her friends over colorful meadows. But childhood suddenly ended and instead of a happy butterfly, she turned into a girl-caterpillar, in the soul of which settled doubt, fear and insecurity. Her fairy world suddenly turned into a dark night, a beautiful carriage - into a spotted salamander, and before her eyes was a continuous tangle of youthful problems. Another step and an unknown abyss would swallow her completely. But suddenly she saw IT!
It was a young stalk of a night lily. Alone in pitch darkness, it stood alone in her path. It was amazing, but the stem shone with some kind of inner fire, vitality and confidence. Its radiance was so strong that the girl saw a path. There was not a gulf, but a long road to life. It was her life with her new fairy tale, which she still had to write. She suddenly realized how she could become a guiding light for someone. To do this, you need to light a fire in your soul. It is the warmth of the soul that can warm those who are close to you and dispel the darkness of human doubts. Everything became clear, as in the daytime. And she saw a life that will not be wasted ...
Beautiful! Thank you!