Art Explosion Entry: "Technology"

in #artexplosion7 years ago (edited)


This is my entry for the ART EXPLOSION WEEK 27: Theme TECHNOLOGY contest.


The animated illustration was intended as an ironic visualization of our achievement in communication technology and the disconnection that drives us lonelier than ever. I tried to portray this incongruity of human and technological evolution in a day-to-day setting, where we often fake and filter our real feelings behind the safety and comfort of our bezel-framed (not for long) screens. It's a common tragedy we can similarly see in meetings of close friends but each one socializing on their phones with their superficial friends on the internet. Technology has also enable us to build higher and higher buildings but we still throw our garbage down inadvertently. To say we're left behind in catching up with the evolution of our own creations seemed to be perplexing, but looking at the rate, it is as much a truth as any others.

I am still a believer of future and newer generations. But in order to move ever forward, we do need to address the flipped side of technology. We have come so far - and still accelerating - in the advancement of our temporal needs, and yet never really figure out our spirituality, moral values and sensibilities that should come on par, for the betterment of humanity, as a whole. It's a vast uncharted ocean waiting to be explored.

And how we are marveled by our own pragmatic capabilities. Just look at our mobile phone in our hands, or in our pockets, they are simply the pinnacle of human achievement. But they also symbolize as the Pandora box that we have consequently unlocked, unleashing more and more great mysteries and potentials for us to tap into. Let us pray that we will have our ideas and values in the right place, in time. 🙂

The Process

Medium: Adobe Photoshop CS6

RPP (Technology) breakdown a.jpg

For the first step, I've drawn a line in the middle of the portrait canvas. Then I sketched the two characters and tried to make the two seemed to be communicating. In the early stage of the process, I'm a little split in picking which side of the technology that I wanted to convey as a message. I thought it has been quite a trend to do an uplifting and positive art these days. So I guessed being the old fashioned guy that I am, it's only appropriate that I should make a post that goes against today's call for compulsory happiness. 😂😅

RPP (Technology) breakdown b.jpg

I was struggling a bit drawing the girl. And when I finally finished with her line-art, I continued the process of coloring the subjects. Very simple method of filling them with flat colors and cellshading them with only a single multiply layer. Then I added the background, minimally, and used only 1 customized brush to get a little texture in the rendering of the walls and beds. 😂 😄

RPP (Technology) breakdown c.jpg

The third and final part of the process breakdown, I darkened the the atmosphere around them as if it was happening in the middle of the night when the lights were already turned off in preparation for bedtime. Then I put some glowing effects with the default soft round brush and dialog boxes coming from their phone. The emojis on them were hopefully illustrated in contrast with the subjects' real expressions to say that, well, you get the picture. I've laid a gradient map onto the whole image in the last panel, bringing both upper and lower images overall mood closer to the main color range (purple, and blue). Finally, I just animated the separated layers needed for the gif at the top.


Thank you for your support, and for stopping by at my post here. Please do come by again and just say hi. Have a great day, everyone. 😊

RPP (Technology) r.jpg
(Final still image.)

  • Afique

The logo designed by @cartoonistpandan and the banner by @orenisme!


This is really fantastic! Thank you so much for joining the contest!

Thank you @juliaponsford. For the contest too. 😊

WOW THIS IS AMAZING <3 Such lovely style and colours <3 And I love how you've captured the truth behind some of our internet interactions :D So thoughtful and so wonderfully delivered <3

upvotes and resteems

Thank you, Mr. @veryspider. Appreciate you commenting n the support. 8))

ok..dah lepas 30 minit..good job bro!! :)

Ingatkan pengawas peperiksaan tadi.😅 Tq bang.

noooice !! lawa betul colour mode👍

Bows in respect* Thank you mastah! 😌

Great work! You really captured the glow of the phones in the dark. Thanks for sharing all the steps.

Thank you! Hope it'll help. ;)

Incredibly detailed process and insight again @afique. Great work.

Thank you very much, @noellesevilla! 😄

This is really cool!

Good work, very intimate situation. Vote! : D as advice, choose a better miniature, put a close up of one of the characters first, or a flat one, the cover does not express how good your publication is :)

firma 6.jpg

I'm flattered. This is a great advice I should consider this part every time I post. Appreciate it. 😌


Thanks! ^^

This is amazing! Also sad since it's very true for the most of us. We hide our real emotions behind these screens. Good luck on the contest!

Very much thanks @kothy. Appreciate your comment n wish. ;)

I love this. Many times I have thought about the irony of typing a smiley while I was most definitely not smiling. It's easy to hide behind a screen. Is there a way I can share this GIF on Facebook?

I have uploaded the gif in too. :)
Here's the short link to it, you can find the "copy link" button in the site and you copy paste the gif link to FB:
Hi miss @stephie.spicer. thanks!

Awesome! I shared it on Facebook :)