Awesome Piece @azbeen! I dig the distorted proportions of your line work, makes for a really zany kinda style!
I also noticed you only used 4 tags? Be sure to use #sketchandscribble as one of your tags in your posts and I will personally come comment and drop some love on your sketches/scribbles/paintings, beautiful complete piece!
How long did it take you to finish?
Thanks for the tip mate! I'll be sure to include the tag next time. I'm still figuring out the whole tag thing yet!
I can't say for sure how long this took as I was working on and off for a few days on my free time - but once I had the line work done, adding the colors took me about an hour.
Wow @azbeen, that is pretty damn quick I must say, you seem like you are making every efficient use for those valuable spare seconds in that elusive free-time that you speak of :)
I try too but it's tough... I'm a planning guy so most of my time goes into planning the image and the final step of making it is easy..I'll post more of my process as I go along so you'll understand how plan stuff out soon!
Super-Keen! I seriously dig the gif at the end! The more snap shots the better :)