Bug edition: Millipedes

in #arthropods6 years ago (edited)


Red millipedes, Centrobolus annulatus are quite common in the garden, they tend to chew on plant roots but they aren't a serious pest. They are bigger than the common black species that @ewkaw was wondering about and they are harmless, unable to bite or sting, curling up into a little spiral when threatened. They secrete a vile-smelling black liquid if you bother them some more and they are rather cute to watch as all those little legs move in waves while they walk.


Those tiny little legs even take this one up a vertical rock and then down again.


These poor creatures get hunted by Millipede assassin bugs that are cousins of the stink bug family which attack them and suck their body fluids.

Image source: Wikipedia

These are also common over here and a lot more evil-looking than the millipedes!


Of course, these insects do not seem to bite, but I think it is better to stay away from them, especially since they eat the roots of plants and cause harm.
May they themselves live in the land.

I don't mind them. Although I prefer them to say out of the vegetables

Yes, better far away from our plants!
The beetle is terrible and unpleasant ...

Amazing bug, we see these 2 small wings camouflaged on its shell!

cool photos, great colours


Nice sharp pictures of of these bugs.

I love photographing bugs

Aha! And so my alien theory was crushed :P

I have seen the lighter ones too. The walk so fast :)

They are incredibly quick on all those tiny little legs!

My! These are so big and fat!
If my friend see this, lots of screams would be all over the room!

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But they are harmless!

its colours are so amazingly vibrant. Nice and adorable.
wonderful colors and angle. love your photography style. ❤

Thank you!

Its colour is beautiful. The millipede assassin bug looks amazing too.

They look really sinister, though