benefits of betel leaf for health

in #articel7 years ago

Betel leaf is a type of foliage is very synonymous with grandparents, namely those who have aged and happy to snack betel leaf. Betel leaf is a kind of vines that have a length of 8 cm with a width of 5 cm. Betel leaf has a distinctive aroma that smells when the betel leaf is squeezed, in the bejak even only in the grasp in intact condition.
In general, betel leaves are used to remove body odor, prevent bleeding, heal wounds, treat cough, asthma, canker sores and many others. Betel leaf itself consists of several types, among others:

Black betel leaf is a type of betel leaf with a dominant color black and darker than other types of betel leaf. black betel leaf is quite rare and not all regions have it. For function or efficacy, clear black betel leaf is recognized more efficacious and more potent than other types of betel leaves.
Yellow Sirih Leaves
Yellow betel leaves are dominated by greenish yellow and also often referred to as betel ivory. This type of betel leaf is often used to treat nosebleeds.
Leaf Betel Feather
Betel fur leaf is a betel leaf in the leaves leaves covered with fine hairs until the stem. Betel betel leaves have a smaller size than other types of betel leaf. The main function of betel vine leaves is to treat various types of diseases owned by humans

Silver betel leaf is the next type of betel leaf that has a dominant color silver with a variety of properties for human health. Until now, there are many emerging silver betel leaf cultivators because it is suitable to be ornamental plants with a very unique shape and color.
Red betel leaves
Red betel leaf precisely comes from the region of Sulawesi with the dominance of red in the leaf. Red betel leaves have several functions for human health, such as helping heal hepatitis, arthritis, ulcers, cholesterol and many others.
White Betel Leaf
White betel leaf is the next type of betel leaf dominated by white and dark green. Betel leaf that has a lot of benefits for the human body, began to help overcome leucorrhoea, odor and other body odor.
Benefits of Betel Leaf For Health
Overcoming Asthma
Asthma is a very troublesome health disorder. Some of the symptoms that are usually suffered by the sufferer is like shortness of breath, difficulty in activity and shortness of breath. Betel boiled leaf can in fact overcome asthma if taken regularly.
Cures Sore Throat
Good content in betel leaf is very powerful overcome sore throat, which symptoms are almost like asthma. It is classified as a mild disease, but still this health disorder is very annoying. Boil water betel leaf is able to relieve throat and overcome the trade.
For women, it can not be denied the unbearable pain usually will always be experienced during menstruation. Various ways the women take to relieve it including by taking painkillers medicine. Apparently, boiled water betel leaf is also very good help relieve pain during menstruation. You only need to boil a few leaves of betel leaf to boil and drink it in a warm condition when menstrual pain comes. Be sure to always drink it regularly in the menstrual period.