How to Write an Article Review That's Honest and Truthful

in #article6 years ago

There are many different ways to write article an review, and it really depends on your own background that will determine your own personal style, but there are certain things that you can do that will provide positive results for both you and the original author if you give them consideration.

Writing an article review might seems daunting for some people especially so if English is not your first language. Article writing has helped many ordinary people like you and me to get started online. To overcome the sheer resistance of producing an article, you need to get write at least 3-4 articles per day until you get used to it.

Before you produce any article, you should at least know what topic to write on. If you are just a beginner, try to write on something that you have a passion or interested about. Your objective is to get used to writing an article on a related topic. If you are running out of ideas, you could always get content from other article review writing service UK and after which translate it in your own word. Once you get the hang of writing article then you should try to write an article review.

Firstly, be honest. Yes, no BS allowed; which simply means that no matter what the article is like, you've got to tell the truth! Like it or lump it, that's the way it is. You cannot start your article review career spitting out 'fluff and fairy dust" just to earn a dollar. If nothing else people will soon learn that you are a liar and will avoid you like the plague! It doesn't matter what the article writer thinks of you because he or she is not the one with whom you develop a buying relationship with.

Next, don't be afraid to "cut in". If you've got a different point of view than the author, don't be afraid to say so as well as offer some alternative theories. Tell me, how many times have you seen some article or product review which looks more like a candy store ad than a critical review? I often wonder if the person writing the review has even fully read or seen the product they are writing about, in fact, I've even seen on occasion the same review supposedly written by different authors - OMG - Heinous!

Anyway... now that the hard stuff is out of the way:)
It's also important to 'add your own flair', your own personality. Recently while reviewing some posts about someone's Online Video Blogs, I was impressed by the number of people who commented on his "charisma". I'd never heard of the fellow before, but those comments were enough to make me want to click over and take a look. Isn't that the kind of response you want from your readers when you do an article review (or product)?

Another idea if you really want to show your readers that you're being thorough is to add notations throughout the article marking the points that you think need to be highlighted and that you'll then comment on at the end. If you use a similar style to the standard "footnote" system used by most word processors it will easily be recognised by most.

Finally, don't always be consumed with the notion that 'if you can't link through an affiliate link then it's not worth it'. No. Remember, the leading point to being successful in writing article reviews is to focus on the customer, not the writer - write for your people, not theirs. Take time out every now and then to survey your people (your readers) and ask them what they want, what they like / dislike about your article reviews... yes, even what they dislike. You can learn a hell of a lot from people's irks and perks, and we as Online business people must develop a high level of customer awareness because today's customers are far more fickle than those of yester-year. We are not only judged by what we "do" but also for what we "don't do".

And lastly, perhaps most importantly - if you're going to get serious about generating some income from writing article reviews... then think long term from day one... it's vital that you see beyond the pages in front of you; think a year, two years, five, even ten. That alone will generate a greater success than you previously thought possible.


You can learn how to create an article review or just buy it here:
Efficient Article Review Writing Guide