in #article7 years ago

Above everything, we can give God Almighty the Glory for the gift of life and for having brought us this far. Indeed this far by Grace. It is said that, everything that has a beginning surely has an end. Thomas Sankara, one of Africa's finest revolutionist once opined and I agree with him; "You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future".

On Thursday the 1st of March 2018, all aspirants who had filed nominations towards the 2018-19 UCC SRC elections were invited for a meeting. Prior to the commencement of the meeting, I was invited and told to go and make certain rectifications to make my documents complete. I immediately left for that purpose. It was, however, prematurely announced in my absence that I had declared that I was no longer interested in contesting for the office of SRC President. My worry is I was not given ample time to go and do the checks When I realised and before I could come out to speak, the news had already gone viral and everyone gave their parts of the story. Defaming and humiliating my personality. All the other aspirants believed knowing that it was coming from a higher authority.

I must put on record, without mincing words, that I did not make any such statement to anybody. One may, however, say that why don’t you take a legal action? But on what grounds? Would you still be contesting? And to which meritorious underpinnings? This is because before I do that I should have something substantial that keeps me in the race. But the grammar is ‘Incomplete documentation’ as it was put. All efforts to immediately get my rectifications done; make my documents complete is not occurring at the time I anticipated. Assurances are that it would happen definitely but not immediately so I should wait.

Colleagues, recounting from this and the circumstances that I have already been plunged in, it is evidently apparent that by then the vetting as well as the elections would all be over, making us incapacitated to actually be in the race, the utmost reason for which we have toiled through nights and storms. Sacrifices made, resources and the energy all thrashed overnight. The rumours it comes with, the hearts it breaks etc. Funny enough most students have forgotten that I am an ordinary student just as they are... put the cynics aside and for once feel what I feel

I know you think I have disappointed you; I know that feeling and how bearing it could be a tempest wind. All this toil and we were not even allowed to go for vetting and get evicted like it was normally done over the years. Why? If you think it’s a normal happening, go with the rumour and attack my personality. Just understand that your opinion does not make us. It’s really sad. My heart bleeds when I hear some of the comments people make about me now. I can promise that In due time my voice would be heard. But reason with me that I have been crippled at both ends — both sides of the tide. But I would not be silent. I wish there was something I could do, either magically or through an act of miraculous conjecture. I can’t. I'm incapable. I'm broken at parallel treads. It's such a sad string to pluck. But as Winston Churchill would succinctly put it, "I do not think (worry) about the (my) action, but the (my) inaction against the odds that clamped my way."

To all believers of the TEAM RAISER, the family still lives. We would be meeting more in life. Never allow this to bring you down. Be strong just as we have been from day one. We will have a better outcome. Heeding to elderly advice, I bear no grudges or malice in this and as the euphemism was: ‘focus on the academics’. I hope and pray that they handle the whole election process with diligence and the clarity it merits. At the end, out of the six contesting candidates, it is only one that would be elected as the SRC PRESIDENT. Just know this and March on. To All Standard Raisers Let’s Know That We Are Champions. You guys are the best and for the rest of my life I’ll be indepted to each one of you. “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant" — Martin Luther King Jr.

Long live UCC SRC.
Long may the horizon of our front broaden.
Let’s Raise Our Standards
As we've always preached:
Y33p3gyamu to The World 🏋‍♂
It’s our utmost duty!

Yours in Student Servitude: Emmanuel Yaw Gyimah (The Raiser🏋‍♂)