Today I am going to present you with few photos that shows the harsh and bitter truth that we are not aware of, or may be we don’t want to be aware of. Everything that I am going to present here is my perspective of today’s society and I am also bounded by these truths.
Modern Day Slaves
I would like to call us as a modern day slaves and this is mostly relevant among youths. After opening our eyes in the morning the first thing we do is search for our SMART PHONE. The phone would be under our pillow which is planned activity from previous night. It would literally kill us if we didn’t use the phone for at least 15-20 minutes. These two images shows that it is not that we are using the phone it is quite opposite i.e the phone is using us. If you don’t believe it then when you go out today just observe for 10 minutes and you will realize everything that I have said.How corruption works?
I am going to share you my recent experience which is somehow related to corruption. Yesterday, I went for a medical treatment and for that I had to pay Rs 11500. After paying the amount the lady said that I would be given rs. 500 discount if I don’t take the bill. So think about it, how people can easily bribe you and in my case it was in case of DISCOUNT. Obviously, I asked for the bill. Sharing this example what I want to say is that everything starts from the bottom whether it is development or illegal activities. Saying this might make me a hypocrite but I want to change these things starting from myself. The second image is somehow linked to corruption which is all about law being applicable only to poor people. The reality is rich people only get caught after they earn intense amount to money from which they can easily bail out of the jail.Politicians
The images shows reality behind today’s politician. This is mostly relevant in developing countries like Nepal, India etc. POLITICIANS!! when it comes to talking about them I don’t know from where I am going to start. There are lots of examples that portraits these two images. Even today rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. It is all due to political instability and the fact that politicians only care about self development meaning filling only their pocket.Society
I am very skeptical when it comes to society. I actually don’t know the importance of today’s society. All I can think of I hear the word society is people talking behind your back. I may sound very negative and I know people help each other out but the truth is that anything you would do would be criticized on some way. It doesn’t matter what people say about you but in order to survive you need to earn a reputation in the society that only comes through three things. They are money, position and reputation itself. That is the reason people worry so much about small things when it comes to society. Like clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, gadgets and so on.
There are many other bitter truths that I have not discussed. I just hope we would realize it when it is not too late. Hope you enjoyed the bitter truth about society.
We Humans are a curse to this beautiful planet called Earth.