CATARRH: Okay…let’s tell a story about what causes catarrh (no medical terms or pharmaceutical terms). Let us say the human body is a country and we have an army that fights any foreigner that comes to the body (called the IMMUNE SYSTEM). So catarrh is a foreign body (maybe dust or irritant) that invades the body. The body’s army (immune system) sends their team of soldiers (white blood cells) to go and fight the catarrh. During the fight, a lot of explosions and war pollutants are released (molecules) which would affect the battleground (that maybe your nose or throat) and cause inflammation, hence we have catarrh! funny story right?
Symptoms of Catarrh: Blocked and stuffy nose, headache (due to accumulation of mucus in the head), loss of taste, smell and mild loss of hearing. The ear, nose and throat are connected in a way that if something affects one, it affects all.
by Tab
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