We need White Zionism

in #articles7 years ago

Do we need white Zionism?

Let's find out!


First of all, what do we understand as Zionism? Zionism was the movement of European Jews to establish a sovereign, independent state for Jews, in order to protect them from persecution and extermination, which became a possibility due to the rise of European nationalist romantic movements of the 19th century. Jews, after enjoying a period of liberalization from the shackles of ancien regime, became victimized as an alien race, an alien element amidst the European people's countries, which culminated in the Alfred Dreyfus affair, that is the sentencing of an innocent French army officer for treason. Dreyfus was of Jewish descent and native French considered him not reliable and not loyal to the French state because of his alien ancestry. His affair gave Zionist movement a boost. Jews realized that they would never be accepted by the Europeans as equals and only a separate Jewish state may guarantee their survival and prosperity.
The result of Zionist movement was the establishment of independent Israel in 1948, a successful, civilized and powerful Western country in the Middle East.

So why do we, people of European descent, need a similar idea and a similar movement?

A movement to establish a sovereign, independent, European state for guaranteeing our survival and prosperity?

Precisely because of the same reasons which pushed Jews into forming their own national-survivalist movement.
White people all across the West are starting to become an oppressed people. They are starting to be accosted by individuals and groups, attacked for the sole reason of being white. Just as Jews were injustifiably persecuted and attacked as swindlers, crooks, children eaters, exploiters and what not - white people are starting to become perceived as the most evil beings on this planet. They are considered oppressors, exploiters, perpetuators of patriarchy, wife-beaters, slavers, and what not. Many so-called intellectuals are starting to attack white people and calling for white genocide, or calling for the reduction in the birthrate of white people - to solve the perceived problems with this world.
As if white people were the problem.
This sounds like a prelude to another holocaust.
A white holocaust. A destruction of people of European descent because of their genetics, of their origin.
Innocent people who committed no crime.

Naples, Caspar Andriaans van Wittel, View-of-Naples.jpg

That's why we need White Zionism.
Because white people are not oppressors - we are the originators of the rights of men.
White people are not exploiters - we are the originators of the best economic system in the world, capitalism, which pulled billions out of poverty and brought immense prosperity to countless lives.
White people are not perpetuators of patriarchy - we are the originators of the idea of equality under the law for everyone, regardless of their sex, race or creed.
White people are not wife-beaters, we are the sole originators of a legal system to prosecute men who beat or rape their wives.
White people are not slavers - we were the first to make slavery illegal in the modern world.
White people are not devils - we are the closest you can call angels, we are the epitome of goodness in this dark world.

And you desire to destroy us. You, leftist intellectuals, cultural marxists and non-white racists, who instead of learning from our civilization, plan to replace us.

You will not succeed.

We must secure our existence, just as Jews had to secure their own existence. We must create an exclusive white ethnostate with an exclusively white character - just like Israel is an exclusive Jewish ethnostate with an exclusively Jewish character.
We are the Jews of the 21st century. Pray for us - and fight with us. Tel hai!



Is this another white power propaganda piece?

is Israel a Jewish power/supremacist state?

Zionism is a form of visible minority supremacism.

Zionism was Jews creating their homeland in order to protect themselves from ethnically-motivated attacks and threats.

Sageb, why you will not use your brain and find out?

I have. White Power needs more discussion of white privilege and less dissing of visible minorities especially refugees.

the only legal privileges currently in place are privileges for blacks in admissions for universities (so called Affirmative Action), treating migrant criminals leniently (especially in Europe), and treating illegal migrants as not criminals.
There is no "white privilege".

"White privilege"? The author is Polish. Poland, the country which has never colonized any other nation, which was enslaved for years by the Nazi and Soviet occupation is far less privileged than any POCs in the Western countries. Even playing your politically correct game you will easily lose with us.

Co myslisz o Normanie Finkelstein?

trochę manipulant, trochę kłamca, trochę lewak. A może bardzo lewak. Jak Chomsky.