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RE: How I will learn to stop worrying and love the robot overlord

in #artifical-intellegence7 years ago (edited)

You should start believing in conspiracy theories, since that is simply a term that is used by the elite to denigrate independent research. Of course there is proof of this... but here's the deal with truth... You must find it yourself. I don't have all the answers.. but I can tell you the high level facts. You can validate them yourself.

  • Secret societies.. masons, illuminati, etc.. all worship the god of this world, lucifer.. in the modern world the teachings of alister crowley, etc.

  • they seek out the wealthy to corrupt, and all high level business men and leaders of the world, with the exception of those who the US media hates are basically illuminati puppets

  • laws always favor them, and are designed to steal your wealth

  • the UN agenda 2021, now 2030 is a depopulation agenda, spoken about in the Georgia Guide STones

  • When you look at the story of the bible in the context of advanced technology, it starts to make sense as actual truth.

  • The bible is the single most validated document in the world. There is no document that is more reliably accurate than this one.

  • The God of the old testament is Jehovah.. aka Satan. He's the reptilian demon.

  • The character christ, not the catholic lie of christ, but the actual concept/person of Christ appears to be a message from our actual creator

  • Ancient Aliens bullshit is all these ancient demons (Ra, Gilgamesh, Moluk) etc.

  • Christ offered himself to die to save humanity literally, as a contract with this entity.

  • Humanity didn't believe it was him, just as today

  • Ancient gods of Babylon, were in fact interdimensional advanced species. They were called fallen angels, other names. These were gods of ancient days around the world... The ones who did human sacrifice. These traditions live on today via the royal bloodlines and the rich royalty that have been in control for generations (rockafeller, soros, rothschild).
    -They are in control of governements, intel agencies, religion, music, media, etc. You know media is controlled by 3 people?? Not hard if they are all in the same club

  • These people are the karzarian jewish mafia, aka the illuminati cabal. benjamin fullford has good intel from the deep. It'll seem nuts, but it can be validated.

  • We are all under the control of the central banks, who are the implementers of the agenda of financial slavery we are currently living under.

  • See the illuminati whistleblower who was an elite banker. He tells all, right up to child pedophilia and sacrifice.

  • Want proof? Read the Talmud. Try and watch or read the Protocols of Zion.

  • Want more? There's so much more.

  • Space and NASA are fake. ALL CGI and wires and underwater and low earth orbit aircraft.

  • The goal is to make you think you are nothing, an accident, and to give yourself to the luciferian agenda, as there are no consequences, and to be ruled by the lies of this world... materialism, sports, celebrities (idol worship).. it's so easy to see it's in every superbowl halftime show.