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RE: The Rise Of The Human Cyborgs – Outsmarting Smartphones and The Internables Trend

forgot to mention, great a blog btw:) Agreed especially for the person who has never seen color. Very beautiful for him to finally experience it through hearing. As a hobby it is just all fun, really exciting and innovative.
What concerns me is when this starts getting implemented in the health care business. I cant speak for other countries but the U.S. health care industry is pretty much mostly corrupted and controlled.
A very wicked triangle between health care, Insurance and the pharmaceutical company has been made. Exactly, lol this is why we cant have nice things:p

Also on a side not, idk if you know what shadowrun is but its kinda like DnD. It take place in the future with a whole story line and pretty much every cyborg mod (called Cyberware mods) is available. but you can only get so much added to you because it starts taking away from you humanity:p