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RE: Are We Becoming More Robotic? Are Robots Becoming More Human? - The Delicate Quandary and Relearning The Art of Mindfulness

in #artificial-intelligence9 years ago (edited)

The line has been wonderfully blurred, hasn't it? Articles and phone calls by robots have made it past my radar while human connection becomes more strange. So yes, robots are already indiscernible from humans in certain areas and business culture, especially, is welcoming more robotic behavior on the part of humans.

I used to be determined to reduce my life to a series of repeatable actions. I worked at a newspaper, an ideal environment for such an endeavor. I made a gameboard for each day and had a little eraser I would move from step to step as I completed my day. "Gamification" is the word at my husband's workplace. He says he wants to punch the human signs we pass while driving. When we moved to the country, I tried to routinize my homesteading the way I had my city life. No chance. And Thank God. I even go on adventures, now. :)


Great to hear you're taking active steps to control activities in your life. It's only by doing this that we can improve our mindfulness. We still can't avoid the inbuilt robot-like actions we perform though and its nice to you;re having fun with that.

I'm grateful you opened this discussion because I think the line between human and robot is in many ways artificial. I love that you're drawing attention to it so that people will examine what I think of as a fascinating topic. Thank for responding to my comment, too. :)