Get acquainted with Norman, the world's first smart artificial intelligence

in #artificial7 years ago

If you are afraid of the late end of the reign of insurgent robots on the lives of humans, you'd better not know that researchers at the University of MIT have succeeded in developing the world's first artificial intelligence in the world with the help of the social network of justice.

Norman has not been made to dominate humans and end the world, but it is supposed to examine the dangers of an artificial intelligence developed on the basis of side-by-side and directional data.

Knowledge of this evil artificial intelligence has been generated using image tagging techniques.

In this way, a data analysis of images with text descriptions on them is given to the computer so that the system can find meaningful relationships between image and description patterns.

Lucky Artificial Intelligence, image data and related explanations from the Death-Related Talk topic on the Reddit website.

So, when you portray the image of a bird above the branches of a tree, Norman describes it as the scene of torture that results in the death of a man with electric power.

Or, if a standard artificial intelligence can detect a picture of a wedding cake from a close-up, MIT's artificial intelligence disappointment makes it a painful scene from an extremely unlucky man's accident with a car.

The important point is that the research team did not actually develop a smart artificial intelligence, but only provide directional information. In other words, it can be inferred that the discussion of "belief" and "belief," or on a larger scale of the "worldview", will also be applied to the development of artificial intelligence and computers.

This, in turn, can lead to a debate about the future of artificial intelligence and our relationship with the robots of the conscious.


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