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RE: The life and fright of a performing artist

in #artist7 years ago

I love your new goal!! Life feels different after a little one comes, full-speed, amazing us with each new little thing. This morning for no apparent reason my 19 month old said, "Waaaa, baby." I looked at her and said, "Are you a baby?" to which she nodded yes. She was pretending to be a baby! Her level of communication lately, answering questions yes or no, naming things, using the occasional broken sentence even, tells us she is really no longer a baby. The fact that she can pretend to be a baby, in of itself, I think means that she is no longer a baby...This comes with joy and a tinge of sadness. I went back to work after an extremely fast, only partially paid, 10 weeks off with her. It was heartbreaking. She was close by, so I could pop over and breastfeed at lunch, which was amazing, but it was still SO hard. I'm so glad you got as much time as you did with your little one. I wish you a smooth transition back to the world of dance.