Film yang berjudul lentera merah ini sungguh sangat menakutkan, membuat kita terkaget-kaget dan terkejut dengan adegan-adegan nya.
Hantu yang muncul secara tiba-tiba membuat jantung seakan copot. Sangat kreatif sutradaranya.
Film yang berjudul lentera merah ini sungguh sangat menakutkan, membuat kita terkaget-kaget dan terkejut dengan adegan-adegan nya.
Hantu yang muncul secara tiba-tiba membuat jantung seakan copot. Sangat kreatif sutradaranya.
We discovered that you use multiple accounts to farm Artisteem votes. They can be found by following your transactions to various other accounts all using If you dig into it you can find several of these accounts sending their funds to the bittrex address
which is also used by @jalmi who is connected to other account networks as well.You are now permanently blacklisted.
If you need further help please contact the coordinator team in #dispute-appeal in our Discord
Hi! I am a supporter of artisteem and noticed that your artwork is copied from TheMovie DB or similar sources.
In Artisteem we encourage the use of your creativity to create original works and contribute to the growth of our community.
In case you wanna do a curation post please read the guidelines according to the categories.
Please make sure to read the posting guidelines.