Heads Up! ARTISTS IN BLOOM Children's Art Opportunity Arising on Steemit!

in #artistsinbloom7 years ago (edited)

For almost a year and a half I have been hosting the Collaborative Art Journey.
Tonight at midnight CST ends our 31st collaboration.
More than 120 artists have joined in on this journey,
and together we have created about 575 pieces of art.
New artists are joining in the game with every invitation,
and our artists' community is expanding with a truly heart-felt family vibe
of support and camaraderie like I have never witnessed before,
even in the tangible world!!!

We will embark on our 32nd collaboration after the upcoming FINALE,
so either get your submission in in the next few hours for
Collaboration 31 - "Angles of Light",
or join in on the next INVITATION coming soon.

The Collaborative Art Journey has been so successful
and is so much fun for all of us artists,
that I'm now offering another


 ~*~*~*~  "ARTISTS IN BLOOM"  ~*~*~*~

Let's get our children involved in the arts
and promote their work here on Steemit!!!

Glue and glitter by 6 year old @qiqi-power!

Consider this post your head's up to:

- Inspire your children to create.

- Make a post featuring your child's art (if you wish)

- Use #artistsinbloom as your first tag

- Paste the link and a photo/video/gif (etc.)  of their work in the comment section to my
INVITATION post (coming soon).

4 year old @noki-power creating a glue and glitter masterpiece.

Nature's birthday cake by 4 year old @noki-power.

I will make a FINALE post (as I do with the Collaborative Art Journey)
and feature all the submission so everyone can see the creations of our Artists in Bloom.

One-of-a-kind, spontaneous fabric hat made from a pair of wrap around shorts,

created and modeled by 6 year old @qiqi-power.

Barbie duct tape fashion design by 6 year old @qiqi-power!

Pony regalia designed by 6 year old @qiqi-power - materials used:  Barbie doll dress.

All forms of creation are encouraged-- the sky is the limit!

We will have some fun art to share with you,
and I hope you will have a lot of your children's creations to share with us.

May this initiative be as well received as the Collaborative Art Journey has been,
and may our children benefit from this exciting opportunity
to share their work and be supported and acknowledged for their joyous contributions.Here at the @gardenofeden, creation is happening all the time, literally.


Great new initiative!

Agreed! I'm excited to see the creations flow!

My daughter just took some pretty rock pictures :) what a wonderful contest

I hope you'll be sharing her work @rball8970!!! Keep an eye out for my INVITATION post.

COOL! My daughter will take part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super duper AWESOME @aksinya. May we be so blessed!

This is Great! I have actually been working with my 10-year old daughter on a future contest that she & I are going to be hosting - it will be an art contest - for children to draw & write a story about one of their stuffed animals. Not sure when it will happen - hopefully in the next couple weeks! I think getting more children's art on here on Steemit is a great idea - and a great way to start teaching them about steemit & cryptocurrency. Thanks, @Everlove!

Thanks for the comment @pyrowngs! I'm so glad you two are thinking along the same lines as we are. I love the sound of your contest! Both of you working together is the ideal situation! Getting our children involved is a great gateway to the future on many levels. Ooooohhh so much fun we are having...thanks for doing it with us!

Love love love it! You have a talented girl on your hands! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh @prowngs! I've given you a link to the invitation post. Would love it if you would re-post this post in the comments so I will be certain to include it in the finale post.

Thanks for sharing. I'm so excited you've jumped right on in.

What an amazing opportunity for the children!

Of course it is brainchild @kimberleighfl. I'm sure Lelu will be adding her personal touch to this initiative. Looking forward to sharing it!

@everlove Awesome, great to see others joining in and sharing their artistic side. Another great way to bring people together. Thank you so much <3

I'm excited to see the children get to share their work. It's rare these days for them to have any kid of a real audience. This will be worldly!!! Thanks for the comment @jr11.

The @gardenofeden is just becoming more beautiful each and everyday. Look at the freedom given to those kids to express their talents. I hope to create such a beautiful atmosphere here in Nigeria,and i name it #thelovegarden . Hope it sound nice?

Aha!!!!! Indeed @emmakwisequote--that is a beautiful name...what a blessing to grow up in love!

Oh really,i keep updating you about it...

Grateful for that @emmakwisequote.

Am really left with out worfs at your project, they are indespensably nice. Keep up tge good work!

They are made great by those who participate!

an excellent artists collaboration, to support and channel the talents of children, I deeply appreciate with your brilliant idea, good luck.
Thank you.

I'm excited to see what comes of it. I hope to see you posting here @ajilah.

Such a great idea. My girl loves this kind of thing. Looking forward to posting some of her artistic adventures :)

Awesome!! I'm excited to see her creations @allforthegood.

So much fun for us kids!

LOL---indeed it is!

What a wonderful idea, to create a contest for children, my daughter loves to draw.

Watch for my upcoming post, and share her work with us @mirye. When all of us participate, we really enhance the opportunity.

@everlove They remind me when my daughters were small. Excellent initiative Successes

Thanks @felixgarciap. May it be so!

OMG.. So good talent.
Keep spirit my friends

Building it together!

congratulation for successful Collaborative Art Journey, You are doing good work I wish you all the best and say thanks for sharing these art. have a nice day

It's only great because we come together to make it so. Have a nice day you too @cristitaylor.

Yay we are totally down for this! Letting kids naturally discover their own creativity is the coolest thing to watch.

Let's take a front row seat!!

We also have so many such beautiful dolls. Girls all over the world play with them.

what a lovely post. @everlove I like your work here and appreciate your kindness to many steemians including me!! keep up the good work, upped-always.

I'm super stoked by the people I am in contact with here on Steemit - we bring out the best in each other!

looking good fammmm

Hahah awesome! I think the kids are much more professional than I am with design. That birthday cake looks delicious

It's amazing how competent kids are at expressing creation when they are free to be themselves and share their inspired moments. Adults have already been conditioned in so many ways with fears and judgments and ideas that control much of their expression. May we all learn to be like children again!

Awesome Idea .... I will share some. Both my Kids are artists.

WooHoo!!!! I'm excited to see all of these great creations. Get ready, I hope to be posting the INVITATION in the next couple of days.

Nice! What a cute idea! Followed your link here from facebook. :)

Wow! So something from FB actually worked! So glad you've found me @squishysquid.

Me too ! ❤

AWESOME! Looking forward to the unfolding of this great project. Great thinking to combine your love of art and children and share on the blockchain to inspire many more!

@kimberleighfl was a great inspiration for this initiative. It just so happens that it is in sweet alignment with two things dear to my heart---or three -- art, children and STEEMIT!!!