
Thank you for your digital art entry!

Entrada al concurso, gracias a todos y espero que les guste!
Saludos !

Thank you for your non-digital art entry!

gracias a ti por dejarme participar =)

Hola @deemarshall le presento mis entradas sobre graffiti

Arte digital saludos...

Arte digital


Thank you for your entries in both categories!

hola gracias por excelente iniciativa me motiva a desarrollar mi creatividad espero les guste mi graffiti


Thank you for your trad art entry!

Please see my message on your post.

@gabrielkoi says this took her 14 minutes so I have accepted her entry.

Mi entrada al concurso grafifiti arte no digital fue lo que logré hacer en 15 minutos

Thank you :)

Please resteem.

I have finished resteem

You say in your entry post that your work took 4 hours. You are asked to take no more than 15 minutes for Artstorm so I cannot accept your entry. Perhaps you can use it for another contest.

I think everyone who participated in the graffiti contest you developed will not be able to finish within 15 minutes. impossible.
but it's okay. thanks.

Many entrants have posted a video with a stopwatch to prove they only took 15 minutes.

And here is my non-digital art graffiti. Thanks @deemarshall for this contest, hope you like it 😇.

P_20180201_123123_HDR.jpg @dranren

Thank you for your trad art entry!

Thank you for your digital art entry!

Thank you for your non-digital art entry!

Day 3 is now finished. There is a 15-minute time limit fir Artstorm entries and you told me you took 40 minutes so I can't accept your entry for the overall prize. Perhaps you can use your pic in another contest.

if in fact it was 12 minutes but I'm wrong, because I copied my previous post in which if it lasts 40 minutes, and I forgot to put that was 12 minutes, but it's fine come late, soon I'll upload the graffiti of which you speak greetings! I go for the artstorm of thewalkingdead!

this its my las post where they were 40 minutes, I did not see the rules

Okay, noted :)