Since tommorrow is Mothers day , what I did in the art contest of @deemarshall having a theme of black and white art under digital art is this one:
This is all for you Mothers , Aunts, Grandmothers. We love you all 😎😘
So How did I do this?
Here is my GIF Step by Step
Reveal spoiler
I Love You Mom and to my Grandmother in Heaven
And to all mothers on earth
I like the background :) It really sets it off :)
Thanks a lot @deemarshall
You’ve touched my heart ❤️ 💜 ♥️ again @dranren, I’m a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, thank you for your thoughtful words and sincere love. I adore your wonderful drawing of Jesus and marry, sooooooo lovely ❣️
Awww thats so sweeeeeeetttt @lildebbiecakes. Your welcome po 😇