BITCOIN ARTWORK: Get a Free Copy, Original Artwork

in #artwork8 years ago

                                 We Accept Bitcoin:

 I know I’m probably preaching to the choir, here on  Steemit, so I wont make a sales pitch for Bitcoin. Seeing how you are  probably more informed about crypto currencies then I am.  However, if  you aren’t, you should get informed, download a wallet and get started  today.  What are you waiting for? 

About this art piece.  

We Accept Bitcoin is a digital painting I created in  adobe Photoshop cc, with a Wecom tablet and a little talent.  I created  it a while back to help do my part to promote decentralized currencies.   Because, unbeknownst to most people, this crypto revolution is likely  the quintessential issue of our time.  Beyond just getting ahead of the  markets and making a quick buck, I believe that getting people to switch  over to cryptos or precious metal based money is likely the most  important monetary decision we can all make in our lifetime. 

If we don’t all make the decision to help spread the word about  “good” crypto-currencies, the decision to use alternative big government  coins will likely be made for us, by the powers that be.  Then it will,  likely, be too late to stop the momentum of that central banking coin,  as we will be locked into another hellish one hundred year centralized  debt based monetary cycle that will likely enslave every living person  on this planet.  Remember, they have all the guns and enforcement  infrastructure on their side, but we have the truth.  Use it! 

If this artwork helps you spread that message, download a free  copy, share it and do your part to free the world from centralized  currencies.

On lighter note, I will say I am happy with how the piece  turned out, however, I wish I had taken my own advice when I originally  created it and bought some Bitcoin when it was cheaper.  I wont make  that mistake in the future.  Oh well, water under the bridge.  

If you like this painting you can download a free copy here or also get some merchandise.  

or donate bitcoin:  13aoonFLiTGTC2aBnur7nx8NjJy6UFfvjE

Please note: Do not alter, commercially reproduce, or sell  this image.  I have a hard enough time doing that myself.  But feel  free to download and use the image for personal use or with a limited  commercial license.  I won’t require, but would appreciate a link back  if your using the image commercially.  

Please hit the follow button or check me out on Deviant art.   If you would like to offer some ideas for future artwork or  commentary, I’m all ears, and would love to hear your suggestions or  commissions. 

Click here: to see my last post and the artwork below.

Thanks for stopping by.