in #artzone7 years ago (edited)

Hello Artzonians!!
It's the one and only @nmalove here to make an exciting announcement!!...

It's official!! Artzone introduces Spanish weekly curation..
Yes! So if you are a Spanish artist, we've got you covered..

Meet our beautiful Spanish curator @gvand


She is a wonderful person and she has great taste for art. Check out her blog and follow her.

The rules are simple:
Follow @artzone blog.
Use #artzone tag on your on your quality post.

We are becoming a big community, thank you for your support..

Spread the word, Resteem this post for all Spanish Artists to see.

Promoting Original FineArt / Music / Standup / Improve Comedy on STEEM.


Awesome! Supporting this all the way!

Happy to welcome another real stand out person to our little Artists community!

very impressive, but is there a #artzone art curator for Indonesia, who is he? thanks @artzone

I know; I am seeing some great Indonesian artists but it is harder to verify art with language barriers

This is great! Thanks for this new support. Welcome @gvand!

¡Qué bien que incluyan la curación en español! Felicitaciones. Congratulations.

Post resteemed done!Such an amazing art... I found some awesome artist here..... Thanks for sharing @artzone

it's really amazing to have you here @gvand. I wish you took really amazing piece of art. thanks for encourage the artists.☺

This is an amazing art work. Well-done
Kudos to all curators. Your selection has been superb. No-fault!!!

Excelente noticia!!! Gracias por tomar en cuenta a la comunidad hispanohablante!!! de verdad mil gracias por el apoyo!!!

really nice content..
I apprecite it..
thanks to @artzone family..

what an outstanding art..

thanks for sharing such a nice post like it dear @artzone team.👌👌👌

Beautiful art and nice artzone
I appreciate your creativity....

very beautifully done. nice creativity

Art is beautiful, can not be said, post high artistic value, I always follow you in every post you. @artzone

its nice content,@artzone nice creativity


❤️ ❤️ ❤️ @gvand my sweet artist crush

I blush hahaha

wow, her artwork is really great my sister is also becoming artist so i can understand its value. Keep it up :)

Really great to hear; I was just oogling her work I am quite inspired!

Good news!...:)...

How will you even identify a spanish artist or spanish art? Will they write in spanish?
Just wondering sha...

Yes.. They will write in Spanish and @gvand, the Spanish curator will curate their work.

Alright, thank you for the response.

Thank you all for the welcome! I will give my best to the work of the artists can be appreciated and rewarded, thanks for the opportunity @artzone thanks to you @nmalove for being so sweet and be so willing to orient me and thanks to @surfyogi For this beautiful project and give me the opportunity to be here <3

No olvides @ArtZanolino

Jajaja rayos! Claro que no lo olvido :3

This is really great initiative team. Keep up the awesome work and thanks for sharing. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Mil gracias por el apoyo a la comunidad hispano hablante! es genial ver que nos toman en cuenta, un abrazo.

Extraordinaria noticia.

Muy bueno!!! Me tengo que informar un poco de este ArtZone ;)

Me gusta @artzone porque hay muchas publicaciones disponibles sobre pinturas interesantes

Una excelente noticia. Los artistas de habla española lo celebramos, sin duda.
Gracias, @artzone y @gvand, por el enorme apoyo a todos los artistas en Steemit.

great news!
im gonna have to make some entries then! :)

Que emoción los mejores artistas de hablahispana en una sola página ;)
Gracias por tomarnos en cuenta y por esta gran iniciativa.
Saludos y una gran abrazo desde Venezuela :)Buen día gente linda de @artzone.

What emotion the best Spanish-speaking artists on one page;)
Thank you for taking us into account and for this great initiative.
Greetings and a big hug from Venezuela :)Good day, nice people from @artzone.

Hola @gvand felicitaciones por tu iniciativa. This is a good new to all hispanic-speakers artists.

Amazing! @gvand

Muchas gracias @artzone por el apoyo a la comunidad hispanohablante, @gvand es una artista increíble y nos sentimos muy bien representados con ella como parte de @artzone. Felicitaciones @gvand y éxitos.

Thank you very much @artzone for the support of the Spanish speaking community, @gvand is an amazing artist and we feel well represented with her as part of @artzone. Congratulations @gvand.

Con placer!

@gvand ¡Bienvenida!