Vajrayogini is of the central meditational deities (yidam) in Gelug tradition. She represents the state of full enlightenment achieved through tantric practice of which she is the main focus, although she is also considered the consort of another tantric deity, Chakrasmvara. She gazes upward, holding a skull cup in one hand and a curved knife in another, balancing a staff in the nook of her arm. A garland of skulls drapes her body posed in a dynamic stance. This sculpture portrays the energy and power of the deity and is complemented by the detailed rendering of her flaming body halo (mandorla).
金刚亥母,梵文 वज्रवारारी Vajravārāhī,是佛教金刚乘本尊之一,属于空行母之体系,胜乐金刚与大悲红观音之明妃,起源于8至12世纪印度。为四大教派共同尊崇的母续本尊,主要是用来做宝瓶气脉及拙火定的观修本尊,亥母与瑜伽母是同体异名。续云:“诸佛明妃金刚瑜伽母”,亥母瑜伽母是诸佛入于大乐智慧的甚深禅定中幻化的本尊又象征胜义大乐智慧本质,而身倚的喀章噶又名“金刚天杖”象征诸佛的广大方便,两者结合就是乐空和合,亥母身貌如同十六岁少女,身体红宝色具一面三目二臂(另有二面母传规,右面有猪脸)左手持盈四魔血的颅钵,右手执持金刚钺刀消除内外密障碍与摄伏十方魔敌,左脚伸立、右脚弯提如舞蹈姿,舞于莲花日轮尸垫上,左腋𣍰倚喀章噶,面貌微忿笑贪悦 黄丹或绀青发色,顶上有猪首隐于发髻,身环白骨头蔓、头戴五干颅冠以不动佛或大日如来为部主顶严,身穿有金饰与空行骨饰。
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