Sea view is fast with watercolors: master class step by step

in #artzone6 years ago (edited)

Hello all !

Today I advise you to dream a bit and prepare for the summer.The bright May holidays have rumbled with reverence, life usually enters its habits, and we re-immerse ourselves into the order of everyday life and worries. School, work, way of life, etc.,

Trying to completely take over our consciousness, but the head knows that it's still very little and summer is coming!

Time for a long summer vacation and vacation! It's time for the shish kebabs, the beds in the cottages and ... the sea, the palm trees, the beach and the warm moon night!

Of course, from the resort so wanted to send postcards to relatives and friends with local scenery and beauty. That they (our family and friends) are happy for us, and of course, a little jealous.

And today I offer you a very simple master class. You will learn how easy and fast you can draw a postcard for your friends and relatives!

** For this we need: **

  • watercolor (preferably a blue one)
  • brush
  • a thick piece of paper
  • water.

To draw a sea view, you must immediately decide where the image will be placed four foundations of our image:

  • sky
  • water
  • light source
  • highlights.

The sky and water are separated by the horizon line. And this is the first thing we paint in the picture. Glare along the water will be located just below the light source (in our case under the moon).

** Step-by-step process **

Define the horizon line.

Immediately coloring the water surface.

Notice, I do not take black paint, despite the fact that I paint the night. I will always have time to darken the picture, but to brighten the watercolor it is very difficult and uncomfortable.

** If you use some shades of blue, your image will look more beautiful and dynamic. **

** When we decide the source of light, we can also color the sky with different nuances around it. But it is desirable that the shadow of the sky is not exactly the same as the color of water, so visually we can easily determine whether the sky and what is water. **

** Now I dare to obscure the sky by the edges, leaving the bright area near the moon. So, the picture shows a cloud and (maybe) the outline of the mountains on the horizon. Here's your imagination will tell you whether you need clouds, mountains, rocks and other attributes of the night sea, or not. **

** Now I added a dark tone to the edge of the ocean, and painted with horizontal scratches, I added brightness to the sea, leaving the moonlit lanes. **

And in the end I painted a small boat with a thin brush.

By ship, the image becomes livable and lively! Important point: do not forget to make a reflex from the boat on the water.

That's it, a quick postcard for friends is ready!

Now you can practice a little at home and collect suitcases for this world wide warm resort! All the weather and excellent holiday atmosphere!