Yūgen: Chapter Thirteen
The Omniversal canvas began with simplicity and duality, left and right, up and down, dark and light. This created the Octahedron of male consciousness. Restricted by its own boundaries of limitation. Grounded by the machine, engulfed in flames.
Welcome to maelstrom of chaos that is the geo-political spectrum, the social and economic crisis, the battle of ideology and theology and the ruthless war on our shared consciousness!
Yes, humanity seems fleeting in these modern times, and it is far too easy to lose ones self to the news outlets and mainstream media... But then you dig deeper and pull back the curtains... This world is a much darker place ruled by the financial elite: puppet masters hiding behind secrete doors...
These people are pulling the strings.
These people are evil things...
So the stage is set,
But what to do?
Obey or resolve,
Its up to you...
Yūgen: "An awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words"
The Yūgen project is my life-long artistic and spiritual exercise. Through colourful cartoons, pop-culture references, quotes and puzzle pieces I create a psychedelic maelstroms of tranquil chaos; exploring elements of society, philosophy, science, and nature while weaving a trail of breadcrumbs for those unsane enough to follow…
Whenever the time feels right, I create six new chapters attempting to capture my journey, interpretations and reflections, expressed honestly and thoroughly, with my comedic slant and child-like optimism. I call these six chapters a Baktun.
Chapter thirteen is the first chapter of my third Baktun...
Original Art & poetry by me (Cult Creations)
Gallery: https://cultcreations.deviantart.com/gallery/
Support: https://www.patreon.com/cultcreations
Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/cultcreations
FB: https://www.facebook.com/coltcreations/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/cultcreations/
(Disclaimer; this is art, personal to me and expressing a story that goes far beyond this single piece. I don't mean to offend)
Your post was featured in Thursday's @ARTzone!
Yay, thank you!! :D
Man there's so much detail in this art. I love it man, serious props.
Thanks Gray, I'm currently working through Chapter fifteen, which is all based around science, sci-fi & futurism. It should be completed by the end of the month -so hope you check back when it is :)