While most traditional African festivals and ceremonies revolve around such recurring themes as religion and ancestral worship, the people of obosi town in Anambra state, and some other igbo sub - groups in the Southeastern parts of Nigeria , have a special tradition of celebrating their kinsmen who attain a certain age. Ito-ogbo festival is a popular and highly regarded event held every three years to Celebrate early octogenarians in obosi land. Being a relatively small town (though densely populated), the celebrants for every Ito-ogbo festival, usually between the ages of 80 and 82 are well known to almost all members of the community. Moreover, the age grade tradition of the igbos makes it that much easier to Identify the next set of senior citizens to be celebrated and honored with the title of 'Ogbuefi' (or Ogbuefi - Nwayi for the female gender) . Ogbuefis are accorded as much reverence as red capped chiefs and can be consulted to act as just umpires in cases of arbitration.
The Ito-ogbo tradition is believed to have been a part of obosi culture for centuries. According to natives, the practice dates back beyond any available records, and it is their way of celebrating lives well lived , while preparing, in a manner, for the departure of such octogenarians to the afterlife. It is believed that any person whose Ito-ogbo has been celebrated need not be mourned later on when he/she eventually passes on , rather the funeral of such a person should be conducted in an atmosphere of joy and thanksgiving unlike in son parts the world where a senior citizens are considered a burden and often checked into special facilities for the elderly. Natives of obosi and other communities with similar traditions to Ito-ogbo , understand too well the significance of having a celebrant at the periodic festival; families with no octogenarians to Celebrate, despite once having members of the age grade Being honored , are believed to lack longevity, a prime consideration when natives look to choose life partners.
While Ito-ogbo festival may be an event specially had for the elderly, its ceremonies are as lively as anyone the main day of the event, celebrants , dressed up in richly coloured and ornamented traditional regalia, March to the town square in the company of troupes of friends and family members. At the town square, which would customarily be filled with quests and spectators, traditional rites are performed while all present are entertained by dance troupes. As part of the proceedings, several cannon shots are fired in honour of the celebrants, who are also issued with certificates of senior citizenship. After the events at the square, families retreat to their respective homes where the merry making continues with music and refreshments.
Thanks for reading
Am @fredoski I love culture
I like it.
Thanks @reidlist more of it to come
Nice post, maybe tomorrow I can vote, my voting power is very low ok?
I appreciate alot